Chapter 36

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I Had went to Landen and Logan's birthday party. It was of coursed some movie theme that I didn't understand. Kayden and Kyson gave me and Luke both invites along with my mom. It was bitter sweet and kind of cute. Luke didn't know what to wear so I wore the shirt that my sister bought me and since Kayden and Kyson stayed with me the night before I dressed them in a shirt I had bought them. It said 'You think I am cute you should see my Aunt.'

"Okay boys what do you want for breakfast?" I asked as the 3 boys sat at the breakfast bar.

Luke had his hair in a little quiff not to tall considering he'd cut it into a fringe than decided to bring it back to a quiff. The boys all groaned in response so I rolled my eyes and decided to start making pancakes. I looked over at Luke who had set the boys on the floor from the bar stools and they went into the living room to play. I stayed in the kitchen making breakfast until I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Luke there are kids in the other room." I whispered and flipped pancakes as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I don't care they are to young and innocent."

"I care though are you okay you seem a little off?" I asked and brushed a hand on his face. He had a little stubble on his face and I kissed his lips softly.

"You know I love you right?" He asked with a twinge of guilt in his voice.

"Yeah I do and you know I love you back right nothing could change my feelings about loving you. I choose to love you because my heart tells me to and I trust you." I say and he nodded than brought out his phone.

"I have been texting this girl and she just she seems like such a bitch and I hate to tell you who I found out it was.." He whispered and I looked at him confused.

"Luke I don't care if you talk to other girls I mean I will care if you chea-"

"No mae you don't understand. The person who is being a bitch and starting shit is Ashton's girlfriend Alice." Luke pretty much said through gritted teeth.

"Alice? Like Ashton's Alice?" I asked unsure.

"Yes. She is the only person I know with weird eyes one green and one blue."

"I just Luke that seems so obscene." I chuckled and plated the 13 pancakes I made figure me we each get 3 a piece plus they were like massive whole plate pancakes.

"I mean it Maegan. Alice is going to end up hurting him badly and I don't think we going to be there to save him this time.


I was driving around in my Family's . I was just driving around town kind of lost in my own thoughts until I saw someone I know. Kristy. She was on the bridge she was going to jump. I stopped the car and turned on the flashers. I went over and spoke to her trying to be as calm as possible.

"Kristy what are you doing?" I asked softly and slowly climbed up sitting on the bridge.

"He doesn't love me anymore. He is supposed to be my big brother. He was supposed to protect me but no one gives a damn about me." She said with tears pouring down her face.

I sighed deeply.

"You know if you jump you have a 70% of living and being completely paralyzed?" I stated nervous and she shrugged.

"Just mean I might got to a family that would actually love me since no one does. God I wish I would have died in that fir-"

"Kristy!" Ashton and Zee called walking around with a very pissed of looking Alice.

Alice looked to be fuming. She walked with pointed toes and practically stomped her feet trying to get Ashton to stop.

"Ashton baby just stop if she wants to jump its her choice." She screeched as Ashton stopped walking seeing the state his sister was in.

Kristy stood up and hung herself over the edge and was getting ready to let go. I watched her one hand start to slip and that's when I made the choice to grab her and pull us back both over the other side of bridge. I hit my head on the side walk and groaned in pain. Zee screamed out my name as Kristy was crying and holding onto me for dear life.

"Its okay." I rubbed up and down her back and held her their against my chest. She kept crying as Ashton was pissed and tried to pull her away from me but she just fought more.

"Go be with your perfect girlfriend!" She screamed.

I stood up and did the unthinkable thing. I wrapped her in a hug and just pulled the two siblings away. I opened my car door for her and she got in sitting in the car. Her tear stained cheeks now meeting her hands. She tried to wipe the damage she did away with her hands but it was not working. Her face was red from the tears anyone could've told she was crying.

"If you hurt my baby sister Clifford I will end you." Ashton said grabbing me by the shirt and shoving me. I shoved him back and signed Asshole to him.

"Ashton calm down he is just trying to help. God what has gotten into everyone." Zee shouted and stood in between the two of us.

"I don't know. Every since we have gotten back it just been stress piled up on stress that was already there from when I left. Maybe I shouldn't have went maybe than none of this would have happened?" Ashton said walking away. Zee stood there a little dumb founded.

"H-He didn't mean that Zee he is just upset." I try to tell her but she waved me off and started to walk away down the main road and that's when I took my cue to get in the car with the girl who was a crying mess.

"Its all my fault its all my fault."

I sat there driving slowly dropping her off where she wanted dropped of. She opened the door and gave me a peck on the cheek and that's when the thoughts in the back of my mind came back. The flash back started

"Mikey why are you like this babe you used to be great now your nothing."

"What a weirdo."

"Boy's shouldn't have hair that long."

"Wow cat got your tongue aye mate?"

That's when I decided to start the drive back to my place which was besides Luke's. I laid in my apartment and than realized all the emotional pain and all the physical pain. I had brought on myself.

"No this is all my fault."

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