Chapter 5

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After we finished our drinks we laid by the car. I kind of got bored just staring at the stars above. I mean it never really gets old, but it does, its a complicated feeling.

"Who wants to go on an adventure?" I smirked and sat up looking at my partners in crime.

I mostly got a mumble of 'sure' and 'remember where the car is parked'. I dusted off my skinny jeans and hoodie sleeves.

"Here let me help you." Luke smiled and went to dust off my back. When his first swipe hit my back I about screamed.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Probably the road rash from earlier." Calum spoke up and Ash nodded.

"Okay lets go on an adventure." I cheered and hooked arms with Michael.

Michael gave me the biggest smile and I could tell it was a true smile not a fake one. I looked at him and stopped and tapped his shoulder when he looked away from me.

'You okay mike?' I signed and he looked at me in disbelief.

'Yeah I am fine.. Just a little nervous.' He signed and I nodded.

'I promise you'll be fine. We got you.' I signed and everyone just watched us in awe.

"What?" I asked turning around and looking at everyone as we had started to walk down a small grassy hill.

"I-I woah." Was all Luke could get out.

Calum was holding Zee on his back and trying to run down the hill. Ash just gave me a smirk and Luke almost saying we would talk later. After walking a little while we came across a lake. It was blue like it had been taken care of by someone. I smirked and took off my jacket not really caring because of the bracelets i had on and ran towards the water.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I got shouted at from behind me.

I just kept running closer to the edge and saw that there was a ledge you could jump off of or you could walk into the water. I chose to jump. I ran full speed slipping off my shoes and than feeling ever pebble, piece of grass and twigs I stepped on before jumping in the cool water.

"MAEGAN!" I heard a few screams from the group as i chose to stay under water a little bit longer before coming up gasping for air.

"Holy shit." Luke laughed as I just smiled waving up at them.

"Come on the water isn't that bad. You know unless your all chickens." I screamed up at them and kept waving.

I got a few head shakes and before I knew it someone else was jumping into the water beside me. It was Zee. I smiled and gave her a high five.

"Who is next and who is going to be the last to chicken out?" I screamed up.

Ashton and Luke jumped in next. Michael and Calum never came and they were no longer standing at the edge. I got slightly concerned. I mean I didn't think that Calum would hurt Michael. But Calum may not understand Michael either. I swam toward the way you could just walk in at. As the water got shallow i started to walk and saw the 2 boys walking side by side.

"Oh so we have both of you?" I giggled slight before michael took off his shoes and shrugged.

"Come on it isn't bad. I promise you'll like it. its not super super deep." I smiled trying my hardest to push both boys into getting in the water.

Michael suddenly charged at me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder and into the water playfully then splashing me as I came up. Calum finally got in the water but only about knee deep.

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