Chapter 2: Where am I?

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(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open to find himself in an endless, dark void. The sheer emptiness of the place was unlike anything he had ever experienced. There was no sound, no scent, no familiar objects to ground him. The oppressive stillness pressed in on him, creating a gnawing sense of unease. The void was both vast and claustrophobic, as if the nothingness itself was closing in on him. He took a hesitant step forward, feeling as if he was walking on solid ground, yet there was no visible surface beneath him. (Y/N)'s heart pounded in his chest, and he shivered despite the lack of any discernible temperature. The absence of anything familiar was unnerving, making the boy shake nervously.

"Where am I?" (Y/N)'s voice echoed into the void, sounding small and lost. Memories of his cousins' prank suddenly flooded back which made him he sighed angrily.

"Am I dead? Or just in a coma?" he muttered to himself.

"You're dead. You are in the in-between place where souls go before they move on to the afterlife," a voice replied, startling (Y/N). It was robotic, yet it carried a curious hint of human emotion. Fear gripped (Y/N), his usually cheerful demeanor replaced by a torrent of anxious thoughts.

'What will my parents think?'

'How will they feel?'

He paused; a sudden, irrational worry flashed through his mind.

'Will they destroy my Naruto shrine?' The voice chuckled, a surprisingly warm sound coming from such a mechanical tone.

"Your Naruto collection? Really, that's what you're worried about?" (Y/N), still scared but now also a bit offended, snapped back.

"Hey! I spent a lot of money on those collectibles," he said before he crossed his arms, glaring into the void with a mixture of fear and defiance. The voice's laughter echoed through the darkness, gradually fading with time.

"Are you feeling better?" It asked after a moment.

"Surprisingly, yes," (Y/N) admitted, his anger and fear subsiding slightly.

"Good. Do you have any questions?" (Y/N) looked away, his thoughts drifting to his beloved family.

"Will my parents be... okay?"

"Your parents will live long lives, well into their eighties. They will never forget you. They will visit your grave often and talk to you about their lives." The voice answered with a softened tone. As if it understood his concern.

"Will I ever see them again?" He asked as a lump formed in his throat.

"It's improbable, but not impossible," the voice replied gently. (Y/N)'s mind then turned to his cousins.

"What about my cousins? What will happen to them?"

"Your parents will sue them and win the case in court. Your cousins will face repercussions that will affect them for their entire lives."

"They finally got their reality check." (Y/N) scoffed out in a murmur.

"You have one last question. Make it count," the voice said after a pause. This caused (Y/N) to ponder deeply. He had asked the important question about his family, but what should his final answer be for? After a few minutes, he decided on what to say.

"What will happen to me?" The voice hummed thoughtfully before answering.

"Despite your relatively mundane life, we have grown quite fond of you. We will reincarnate you into the world of Naruto." (Y/N)'s sadness and stress evaporated instantly. He jumped up, excitement bubbling over.

"Really? Are you serious?" The voice chuckled again.

"Yes, (Y/N)."

Overwhelmed with joy, (Y/N) began to monologue to himself about the Naruto universe. He spoke passionately about various plot points, like the epic battles, the bonds between characters, and the heartbreaking sacrifices. His favorite character, Tsunade, stood out for her strength, wisdom, and deep sense of compassion. He admired her resilience and leadership, qualities he hoped to emulate in his new future.

"You know what? I'll even let you choose your parents," The voice said, interrupting his rambling. (Y/N) was stunned.

"Seriously? Thank you so much!" He quickly expressed his gratitude multiple times.

"It's nothing," the voice said as a screen appeared in front of (Y/N). The screen glowed with a blue light, casting a serene hue over the void. The blue light symbolized a new beginning, a fresh hope. (Y/N) felt a surge of optimism course through him, revitalizing his spirit.

(Y/N) examined the options for a mother. He dismissed Kushina Uzumaki, wary of the dangers of being a potential Jinchuriki and attracting the Akatsuki's attention. He also ruled out the whole Hyuga clan in general, not wanting to deal with the oppressive Caged Bird Seal.

And then, his eyes landed on a familiar name: Tsunade Senju. The hesitation vanished, and he selected her without a second thought. The screen then displayed potential fathers. Some names were missing, and (Y/N) asked the voice why.

"The improbable matches have been removed," it swiftly explained. (Y/N) nodded, understanding. After considering his options, he narrowed it down to Jiraiya and Orochimaru. If he chose Jiraiya, he would have an absentee father. If he chose Orochimaru, he risked being experimented on and just having a terrible childhood in genral. A bold idea struck him. He would click both options simultaneously and see what happened.

With a decisive nod, (Y/N) used both hands to press the names at the same time. The void began to glitch, the darkness flickering and distorting. Wind suddenly swept through, ruffling his clothes and hair. The stress made his body tense, and the void seemed to lighten, becoming more erratic. A prompt appeared on the screen, asking if he was sure. (Y/N), spooked by the glitching void, swiftly clicked 'Yes.' His vision was then overwhelmed by a blinding, powerful light.

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