Chapter 7: No... this can't be...

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I caved in to your comments, here is the next chapter

Also! If you find some mistakes, please let me know so that I can correct it thank you!


His sinister smile spreading across his face. The air seemed to thicken, and (Y/N) felt as though his breath had been sucked from his lungs. The fear he felt was unlike anything he had experienced before, even worse than the time his cousins had poisoned him. Why was he here? How? How had he been so unlucky to stumble upon this dangerous rogue ninja and get his attention?

This person, no, this monster...

What was he supposed to do now?

(Y/N) instinctively took a step away from him, but he didn't run. No, he would not dare. Obviously, he knew how strong the Sannin was and how useless it would be to try and escape. Running would only amuse Orochimaru, making him chase after him like a predator hunting its prey. The child was already about to pass out from the sheer fear that was paralyzing him. That person smirked, his eyes gleaming with a twisted delight that (Y/N) did not want to decipher.

"Ah, so you do know about me. What did Tsunade tell you?" The snake murmured, causing the reincarnated soul to shiver. How was he supposed to answer that? (Y/N) hesitated, his mind racing. Of course, his mother had never mentioned Orochimaru or even warned him to be careful about stranger. Nope. Shizune had been the one who had taken those responsibilities.

'Don't wander around at night!'

'Don't go too far away from us!'

'If a weird person comes to you and says to follow them, kick them in the groin!'

The reason for why he recognized Orochimaru was because he knew of him as one of the most dangerous villains from the Naruto series. Of course, he was not going to say that straight to his face. Instead of answering, (Y/N) asked his own question.

"Why did you bring me here? Wha-aat do you want from me?" He questioned, cursing himself for stuttering. The other did not seem to mind.

Although (Y/N) bet that he was finding it rather amusing.

Orochimaru's smile widened, becoming even more unsettling. Was it just in his mind or were his surroundings truly shaking?

"You'll find out soon enough," he said softly in a feint tone that made the boy want to flee.

But suddenly, (Y/N)'s body felt heavy, and his vision began to blur. He tried to stay upright, but his legs gave out beneath him. Orochimaru caught him before he hit the ground, his yellow eyes glowing eerily in the shadows of the trees. The last thing (Y/N) saw before losing consciousness was Orochimaru's malevolent grin.

Meanwhile, back at the casino, Tsunade sat silently at the poker table. In front of her lay a pile of money she had just won. She glanced at the shiny coins and bills, but an unsettling feeling gnawed at her. Shizune congratulated her on her winnings with a big smile, but Tsunade quickly grabbed the money and stood up.

"We're leaving," Tsunade said, her tone serious which confused Shizune. Why was she not happy to have finally won?

"But Tsunade-sama, we can't leave yet. We don't know where (Y/N) is," Shizune exclaimed to the other which made her stop. Her figure turned to her Tsunade turned to her with a focused expression that made her apprentice worry.

"What do you mean? He isn't back yet?" The Sannin asked with a calm tone as she waited for the black-haired woman to answer who quickly responded by shaking her head.

"I thought he was still playing outside, but when I didn't see him there, I assumed he was inside the casino." This statement caused Tsunade's eyes to widen with concern before she admitted her negligence.

"I haven't seen him for several hours."

"Why didn't you say anything? He's only three years old! He might act older, but he's still barely a child! And with all the enemies you have as a Sannin, we can't afford to lose sight of him!" Shizune yelled as panic began to creep onto her voice.

Tsunade's heart raced, the fog of emotions from her previous confrontation with (Y/N) lifting to reveal an intense worry. Was he still gone because of their fight? Or had something actually happened to him? Her instincts were shouting at her that it was the later. She hurried out of the door with Shizune close behind. The village was a maze of narrow streets and alleys, each corner hiding potential danger. Tsunade and her apprentice searched frantically, calling out (Y/N)'s name. The atmosphere was tense, every shadow seeming to hide a threat. The woman had asked a countless number of people if they had seen a child with fluffy white hair. None of them had, crushing their hopes until someone recalled seeing a child crying in the street. He had told them that a woman had talked to him and seemed to have made him follow her somewhere.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), where are you?" Shizune called, her voice edged with desperation as the women followed the path that the man had seen their precious boy take. Even with that clue, Tsunade's mind raced; she could not shake the feeling that something terrible had happened. They were no longer in the suffocating streets, but in the lush forest that encircled the town. This did not appease the weight of her worry pressing down on her chest.

And then, they had finally found him.

"Tsunade-sama! Over here!" She gasped in horror as she reached his body. Tsunade, impatient and terrified, pushed past Shizune to see (Y/N). She froze, her eyes widening in pure terror. (Y/N) lay on the ground, his body covered in cuts. A pool of crimson blood had formed beneath him, staining his clothes and skin. The younger woman knelt beside (Y/N), checking for a pulse.

Only to wail in grief once she realized there was none.

"No, no, no! (Y/N)!" she cried, tears streaming down her face. Tsunade just there stood paralyzed. Her hemophobia had taken over her body. She felt her breath quickened, and her vision blurred as a panic attack gripped her. Her body felt heavy and unresponsive, her mind a whirlwind of fear and guilt.


'Do something!'

'That's your son!' The voices screamed at her, but it did not make her body move. Not when she knew that he was already gone. That she had failed him. Shizune gently lifted (Y/N)'s cold body onto her lap, hugging him tightly as she sobbed. Tsunade could only stare, her heart breaking as she watched her apprentice cradle her son. Despite the forest not being narrow, it still felt like some walls were closing in on her, making it hard to breathe. She clutched her chest, trying to steady her racing heart, but the sight of her son's lifeless body was too much to bear. Tsunade's mind raced back to every moment she had ignored him, every harsh word she had spoken. The weight of her guilt crushed her, tears spilling down her cheeks as she struggled to maintain her composure.


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