Chapter 9: His rules

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(Y/N) slowly stirred from his slumber, feeling warm and safe, cocooned in blankets that seemed to embrace him like one of his aunts' hugs. For a fleeting moment, he felt the urge to drift back into sleep, to retreat into the comfortable haze of unconsciousness. His mind felt heavy, as if submerged in thick fog. There was a distant sense of something being off, but the warmth was tempting, pulling him back toward sleep.

And then it hit him.

Images flashed before his mind: the pod, Orochimaru and the fear of the previous day. His body tensed. He remembered the moment of waking up submerged in that strange liquid. The snake towering over him. His body being too weak to even move. It all rushed back to him in a terrifying drop, and (Y/N)'s heart began to race.

His eyes snapped open, and he scanned his surroundings, fully alert now. The room was dimly lit, but not like the cold laboratory atmosphere he had seen earlier. The walls were smooth and grey, almost like stone, giving him the impression of a place deep underground. There was a wooden desk in the corner, a few shelves, but no windows. Everything felt unfamiliar and threatening. (Y/N)'s breathing quickened as he tried to make sense of where he was. His body felt lighter than it had the day before. He tentatively lifted his hand, half expecting the same twitching as before, but to his surprise, his hand obeyed. A wave of relief washed over him. He could move! Encouraged, he attempted to sit up, only to realize that something, or rather someone, was holding him in place. Trapping him. A pair of strong arms was wrapped tightly around his body, pinning him against a warm chest.

Panic shot through him.

He squirmed against the tight embrace, trying to free himself, but the arms did not even budge. The more he struggled, the more his fear grew until a voice spoke softly near his ear.

"Shh, (Y/N). No need to make a ruckus." The voice was unmistakable. It was Orochimaru's. (Y/N)'s blood ran cold. He froze, his breathing coming in shallow gasps.

"Y-Yes. I'm so—rry," he stammered, too terrified to do anything else. The other hummed softly, his tone almost amused, and loosened his grip. The Sannin shifted slightly and glanced at the clock on the small table.

"It's a bit early, perfect to start the day," he remarked with an air of nonchalance. With eerie grace, the black-haired one lifted himself out of the bed, the covers falling away as he moved. (Y/N), now fully aware of who he had been sleeping next to, shrank back, burying himself under the remaining sheets in an instinctive attempt to hide. His heart pounded so loudly that he feared Orochimaru could hear it.

"You've slept enough. Come now." He chuckled, the sound dark and unsettling. Without warning, he tore the covers off (Y/N), exposing him to the cool air. (Y/N) flinched, the sudden exposure making his skin prickle. He quickly looked down and realized, with some relief, that he was clothed.

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