Chapter 4: Filth or Darkness? Be careful what you choose...

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The day had shifted into the night, enveloping the small village in a tranquil darkness. (Y/N), along with Shizune, Tsunade, and her pet pig Tonton, found themselves in a shady hotel due to Tsunade's habit of draining their pockets dry. The room was cramped, the walls stained and peeling. A musty, moldy odor permeated the air, mingling with the scent of damp, unwashed linens. The ceiling was stained with watermarks, and the mattress (Y/N) lay on felt thin and lumpy, emitting a sour smell that made his nose wrinkle in disgust.

(Y/N) suddenly woke up from a nightmare he couldn't remember. His heart raced, pounding against his chest. He placed a small hand over his heart, trying to calm himself. It took a few minutes, but eventually, his breathing returned to normal. He wondered what had caused such a reaction. Concentrating with his eyes closed, he could only recall a massive, blinding white figure hovering above him. Flashes of white and black mingling together into a horrifying unrecognisable mess that made him stop breathing. The memory reminded him of the in-between void he had unfortunately visited after his death. Because of his baby mind, that moment seemed closer than it actually was.

He suddenly shook his head to dispel the stressful thoughts before looking toward the two adults. Shizune cuddled Tonton on one of the thin, smelly mattresses, while Tsunade snored loudly on her back, an empty bottle of alcohol in her hand. The sight was both adorable and infuriating at the same time. After all, who would want an alcoholic mother who does not care for you?

(Y/N) wondered how the other two could sleep through the noise. Lying back on his mattress, he stared at the dirty ceiling as a feeling of hopelessness settled inside him. Despite that, he closed his eyes, trying to sleep again, but the disgusting smell of the pillow made him gag. He immediately sat up, stumbling on the ground and making a noise that caused Tsunade to frown in her sleep. He looked at her, ensuring she wouldn't wake and scold him. Seeing that she was still deeply asleep, he decided to go to the window for some fresh air.

(Y/N) opened it, letting the cold night air rush into the stuffy room. He sighed in relief, raising his head to gaze at the starry sky. A little smile appeared on his chubby face as he admired the night sky. The stars twinkled brightly against the dark canvas, their magnificent colors forming a breathtaking sight unlike anything that he had ever seen in his first world. The fresh, colder air felt nice, cleansing the room of its foul odor.

He gasped when he noticed a shooting star streaking across the sky. Despite having lived in this world for three years, he had never seen a shooting star before. The concept of time during the past years was strange; he was barely conscious through it all until he turned three. He was silently thankful for it, not having to experience the misery of dirty diapers and an uncontrollable body. Although his body was still uncoordinated, it wasn't to the point of making his life miserable; he could walk and run after all.

(Y/N) glanced back at the two adults and the pig, contemplating his situation. He was incredibly tired, but the room's conditions made it nearly impossible for him to sleep. He wondered how long it took Shizune to get used to it. After thinking as best as he could with his tired mind, he decided to escape the room through the window.

He softly landed on the grass below and walked away from the hotel, careful to avoid any strangers who might harm him. He avoided the nearby forest, knowing it would invite disaster. Instead, he lay down on the grass, not caring about the bugs that might crawl on him, and closed his eyes. The hotel room was dirtier than anything that he could find here on the outside. The quietness of the night made it easy for him to calm down and fall asleep.

Just as he was about to drift off, he felt a weight on his chest. Grumbling, he opened his eyes to see a pair of red unblinking eyes staring back at him, glowing eerily in the dark. A snake was coiled on him, but in his sleepy state, (Y/N) failed to recognize the strangeness of this snake. No white snake with red eyes could escape the gaze of predators; this was no wild snake but a summon.

The snake flicked its tongue, smelling the air around (Y/N), then slithered off him and disappeared into the darkness. (Y/N), too tired to react, watched with an unfocused mind as the snake returned to a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows of the forest. The figure observed (Y/N) with interest before vanishing into the night.

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