c h a p t e r 16

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Happy reading :)

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I don't understand how people can't do simple tasks. Hotel industry isn't easy to thrive in anyways and if I keep seeing these mistakes I may as well do all the work myself. I am going to fire someone today. Man I want not to but everyday these idiots make me wonder why I hired them in the first place. There's a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say, no one in the family knocks unless I tell them not to come in the office when I am having an important meeting. It maybe a staff. I hear the door open but I continue checking the file.

"Rudraksh?" I hear my wife say. I look up from the file, she's wearing a maroon saree, it's plain but she looks so divine in it. "I think I told you not to knock." I say standing up walking in front of the table and leaning against it.

"No..you did not." She stutters. I raise my eyebrow. "Siddhant said that, you didn't say anything." Okay that might be right. But isn't it obvious, she's my wife she can come and go wherever she wants.

"Okay so now I am telling you," I stand straight walking towards her, I brush a strand of hair, "you don't need to knock shivani." I lean in and kiss her forehead.
She puts her tiny hand on my chest and pushes me again I look at her in surprise, "Can I ask you a question?" She says.

"Well you can ask me any questions, anytime except this one." I say. She looks at me unfazed and then shakes her head. She's adorable, a small smile form on my lips.

"Why do you not eat oily food?" She asks me, she looks so confused and there's a crease forming on her forehead that I want gone. I take her hand in mine and run it on my abdomen.

"You see, biwi ji, how do you think your husband has six pack abs?" I do exercise a lot, it's kind of my way to take out all my frustration and I won't say I am on a strict diet or something it's just I don't like the greasiness in my food. She looks at me in shock and than she snatches her hand back.

"Then.. Then why did you eat it today?" Doesn't she understand, hell even I don't understand, what she's doing to me, but if something can make her happy, I will do it, I will do anything to get a smile on that pretty face. I step towards her and she steps back, this happens for a while, until her back meets the wall, "you have to stop going back, or else how will you learn to walk with me shivani?" I smirk.
"And I ate the food because," I lift her chin so that she looks into my eyes, "you made it darling. Besides," I lean in to whisper in her ear smelling blend of jasmine and vanilla, with hints of fresh citrus, I inhale deeply, I want to bury my head in her neck but no can't do, "I can sweat a little more, maybe you could help me?" I step back, my easing expression softening as I drinks in the sight of the effect I had on her.

I takes in her flushed face, the way her eyes flutter open, and the way her chest rises and falls with each breath. She's so beautiful and so incredibly captivating. I feel a tightening in my own chest and I struggles to keep a handle on the emotions swirling within me. Her innocence and her responses to my teasing are testing my resolve, but I can't help himself. I want to draw her closer and close the distance between us.

"Rudraksh" She looks at me. And pushes me back slightly, although she can't I still move back a little, I promised her I wouldn't do anything that she doesn't want.

"Why did you leave me alone? Isn't it rude to leave your wife alone on our first morning together Mr. Malhotra?" She says, I like that she's already speaking her mind, no stutter, no fear, she's looking in my eyes and questioning me, Rudraksh Malhotra, not even my father questions me like that.

"Now that you've made that clear," I hold her hand pulling her into me, she collides in my chest and gasps, I twist her hand behind her back, "you'll spend no mornings alone my wife." I say staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Rudr.. Rudraksh, I was late.. You.. You should have woken me up.. What would maa think..," She looks down, "she didn't say anything, but it was my first day and-" I stop her right there, putting a finger on her lip.

"Shh. Darling." I tilt her chin up, I like seeing in her eyes when I speak to her, "First of all, maa aisa nahi sochti hai, even if you woke up in afternoon she would have not said anything." I graze her cheek with my knuckles, "and secondly baby, you're my wife, not a maid, you don't work here that if you're late someone will cut your salary. This is your home too, do whatever the fuck you like." I say, she looks at me like I have given her the most expensive jewelery Or something, she smiles and says thank you.

Translation: Maa doesn't think like that.

She gets out if my hold and steps back, and I already miss her smell, her body's warmth, but I don't do anything. Instead I go behind the desk opening my drawer and taking out the envelope I made for her, "here's your first rasoi my beautiful wife, I don't really understand the importance of that ritual but I am glad I got to eat food cooked by you, it was delicious." I say walking to her and I lean down to whisper in her ear, "just like you will be, baby." And then I give her the envelope. She looks at me shocked as if I said something devilish, oh I love the sight of her turning red because of me, she shys away, says a quiet thank you and runs out of my office as I will actually eat her now. Well it maybe that I wanted to but I will wait for the day when she'll allow me to, herself, not because I want to.

Well I will get back to work I guess then.

Author's note:
Let me know in comment section how was the chapter, and don't forget to vote!

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