C h a p t e r 37

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I saw this reel on Instagram in which the couples play stone, paper and scissors to decide where they go and what they do and that's exactly what I am making Rudra do. Although he wasn't very enthusiastic about the idea but he still agreed when I pouted and pretended to be angry at him. He won the first round, and we went to a restaurant, where we ate a boring salad.

"Hey, I won fair and square. Don't make that face." He grins victoriously, I stick out my tongue. Rudra laughs at my childish expression. "Oh come on, don't be a sore loser," he teases, poking me playfully in the side. "Anyways it's my turn now," I grin, "I am going to win." Rudra rolls his eyes, clearly not convinced of my chances. "Yeah, sure you are," he says sarcastically. "And pigs can fly." 

I huff in indignation, crossing my arms. "Hey, don't underestimate me. I'm a master at this game." Rudra chuckles, raising an eyebrow. "You, a master? I find that hard to believe." I ignore his skepticism and stick out my tongue again. "Just watch and be prepared to be humiliated." Rudra raises an eyebrow, amused by my confident attitude. "Alright, if you're so confident, give it your best shot," he says, his tone teasing. 
I smirk, feeling a rush of determination. "I will, and you can start preparing your humble pie." 

With that, we both ready our hands, eyes locked in a determined staredown.
"For someone who didn't want to do this, you're very excited Mr. Malhotra!" I exclaim, "I had watch TV shopping channels with you and it will be interesting." He says, "it's you who's interesting not the stupid game." And then we finally throw out our hands, he did a paper and I did scissors. Rudra's eyes widened in mock surprise. "What? No way, I definitely won that round." 
I grin, holding up my scissors. "Sorry, but I'm the winner this time." 

He pouts, feigning disappointment. "No fair, you cheated." I laugh at his childish behaviour. "How could I have cheated? We both went at the same time." I like how he's so free with me, how this big ruthless man for everyone is not at all scary to me. I love this side, this unfiltered Rudra is my favorite. "Okay fine. Where do you want to go now?" He asks.

"Can we eat pani puri?" I whispered, my appetite has definitely increased but it still feels odd to eat that much, I need someone to push me a bit. "Hey, you never have to ask me. We are going to eat panipuri!" He takes my hand and intertwined our fingers, "more specifically you are going to eat it." He says and I don't argue, because he doesn't like it and I don't want to force something on him that he doesn't even like because I know if I ask him to eat it, he will, no matter what, but that's not fair to him.

Rudra grins, clearly amused by my request. "you had a weakness for pani puri, don't you?." I pout in mock disappointment. "It's not a weakness, it's a preference." He laughs and squeezes my hand. "Whatever you say, darling. Come on, let's go find some good pani puri."

Rudra leads me through the streets of the city, still holding my hand tightly in his. I feel a familiar sense of comfort and safety being with him, surrounded by his masculine strength and presence. As we walk, I glance up at him, noticing the way his sharp features contrasted with the soft glow of the streetlights. He looks at me and catches me staring, giving me a cocky smirk. 

"See something you like?" He teases, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "Yeah" I reply not trying to hide anything. "You're very handsome, not my fault."

"Thank you for inflating my ego darling." He smirks and I just shake my head at his cockiness. As we reach the pani puri stall, I see the crowd around there, Rudra asks me to wait for a moment as he goes and talks to the vendor, I see their exchange and then the vendor is shooing everyone away, Rudra walks back to me, "let's go." He says.

"What happened? Why did everyone leave?" I look at him confused, "I bought the stall, that's why." He says. My eyes widen and before I could protest, "don't, it won't cost anything to me and I am really doing a favor to the vendor." He says. "You enjoy the pani puri without thinking much." He adds and stands beside me like a bodyguard. He's always so protective and caring towards me. I look up at him, my expression a mix of annoyance and gratitude.

"Don't give me that reaction, I know secretly you like it. It's just like one of those book men you like." He whispers in my ear and I look at him wide eyed, "how did you know about them?" I whisper yell, he chuckles, "well, your reaction intrigued me so I read one of them, maybe took some notes." He winks at me. This man is unbelievable. The vendor serves me pani puri and I eat it, satisfying my taste buds, "bhaiya, it's tasty but not as tasty as my husband makes it." I tell the vendor and he looks at Rudra in part fear and part surprise.

When I am done, Rudra takes out his cheque book, "I don't think you need that," I laugh, "I do, I am paying him ₹10,000" He says coolly, I gasp, "you're saying this one plate of pani puri was worth ₹10,000, are you mad?" I ask, "for a business man you really took a very bad deal." I tease him as we walk away, "I had take any deal for you darling." He says putting his arms around my shoulder pulling me towards him.

As Rudra drives us home, his hand remains possessively on my thigh. I try to focus on the scenery outside windows, but I can't ignore the warmth of his touch or the way it causes heat to pool in my body. 

He glances at me, his eyes dark with desire. He squeezes my thigh only for me to get flustered. As we reach home, we walk towards our room hand in hand. I proceed to the closet to change and he goes to his office for the same as we moves his clothes there. I wear a night gown that I bought when I went shopping with Aditi ji. I glance at myself in the mirror, feeling a little unsure about the nightgown. It's the first time I'm wearing it, and I can't help but feel a bit self-conscious. It hugs my body tightly, highlighting my curves, and I wonder if it might be too revealing. As I finish getting dressed, I step out of the closet just as Rudra walks back into the room, shirtless and wearing his trousers.

He takes in the sight of me in my nightgown, his eyes skimming appreciatively over my body. I bite my lips nervously, shifting in his intense gaze. "Don't bite your lips." He says and walks towards me in long strides, he cups my face, touching my nose, "only I can do that." Rudra captures my lower lip between his teeth, nibbling and sucking gently. The action sends a shiver down my spine, and a soft moan escapes my lips. Rudra pushes me back onto the bed, his body pressing against mine. His strong arms cage me in, his muscles rippling under my soft touch. I run my hands down his chest and abdomen, feeling the ridges of his abs. I can feel the heat radiating off of him, the need pouring off of him in waves.

But then he breaks off our kiss, he looks into my eyes intensely, He traces a finger down my cheek, his touch gentle yet possessive. But then he lies down next to me. I sigh in frustration, "do you not find me attractive?" I ask. "What?" He questions now looking at me, "You always stop at the kiss. Am I am not attractive enough?" I whisper.

Rudra's eyes widen, surprised by my outburst. He turns to face me, shifting closer until our bodies are touching.
"You want to know how attractive you are. How much you affect me." His voice rough, Rudra takes my hand and guides it to his crotch, his body tense under my touch. I freeze for a moment, feeling surprised and overwhelmed by the sudden intimacy.

He looks at me intently, his eyes burning with desire. "Feel that, darling?" he murmurs, his voice thick with need. "That's what you do to me. You drive me insane with desire."

"I am being as patient I can be with you darling, don't make it difficult for me." He sighs, irritation visible in his eyes.
"I don't want you to be patient." I whisper. Rudra is on top of me in an instant, his lips claiming mine in a possessive kiss. His hands slide down my sides, gripping my hips as he pushes his body against mine. He breaks off the kiss, his forehead resting against mine, his breath hot on my skin. "You don't know what you're asking for, darling," he says, his voice gruff. "You don't know how close I am to losing control."

"Lose the control." I whine, "please. I want you to lose control." I respond. Rudra growls, his body stiffening at my words. "You're playing with fire, darling," he warns, his eyes darkening with hunger. "But if this is what you want, I can't hold back any longer."

Author's note:
How was the chapter? Posted till chapter 40 on Scrollstack, link in comment section. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

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