Chapter 8- The Veneva line of vampire hunters

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I traced the edges of white paper then closed the book then reopened it again fast, just to make sure the writing was real and that I was having a breakdown... Again.

Dearest Amelie

You're probably wondering how this writing can be here, after all it was blank before right?

Well let me tell you you're not going crazy, it was blank before. A long time ago a got a powerful witchy friend of mine to cast a spell on this book so only people of the Veneva line could read it when they were ready. But that doesn't matter just yet, that will all be explained later.

What?! Is this mad? Talking about spells and witches? And what the hell is the Veneva line?

Your father Charles and I first dated In France, even though we had known each other since I was sixteen (we weren't close but we were acquaintances) when we first started to date I was 22 and he was 27, and two years later he proposed to me! I know you're thinking ew yuck, but God your father was breathtakingly amazing.

Anyway, my father disapproved of the marriage and me and your father like all of those romance movies and books.... We ran away together, we moved here and we're expecting a baby Amelie in 8 months.

The thing is Amelie... You may want to take a deep breath and calm yourself. The reason my father disapproved was because he thought that Charles was a vampire.

I know that you probably don't believe in vampires, you probably just think that they only exist in books and movies, well open your eyes darling, this is the real world now, and yes they do exist.

Our family name isn't really Wilde, when Charles and I got married I changed our last name to Wilde (which as you know is your father's real last name) Our real family name is Veneva.

Past down through generations of the Veneva line have been supernatural experts, vampire hunters and some, not many, were vampires. Your great grandfather became a vampire hunter when an original vampire (I'll explain about them in the book, try page um 211?) Tristan lefévre (He is VERY important remember him) turned your great grandmother into a vampire, he had been protecting his town and had gotten many donations to pay the fees of vampire hunting to last several more generations to come.

I need you darling to continue on our legacy , and this book will help you through your journey.

This all started with the very first of the Veneva line, your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great... Great! Grandfather.

He was turned into a vampire and hated himself and he became one of the few vampires in history to be a vampire who hunts vampires.

Darling I'm soooo sorry I can't be here to tell you all this myself, if your father has done as I asked him, he would have given you this book on your sixteenth, although I don't know how old you are now because I guessed that would be a good age but for all I know you might not be ready till youre 55!

As I was saying I'm soooo sorry that I can't be there to teach you all of this myself, issues... Occurred and you're going to be alone from now on.

In 1988 at age 14 my mother thought i was ready to take on the responsibilities of the hunter... I was not.

Three years later I faced my first solo battle against a vampire, my parents were off battling and I was going to collect the town's funding for us, protected with only my dagger, I went through the woods as a shortcut because my teenage brain wanted to be home in time to see the cute boy who walks by our house every afternoon (Charles)

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