Chapter 21- 40 Minutes to Kill

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-----Banner^ Just a little quote I thought suited Harry and Amelie last chapter.
Got my phone fixed so I can update!
This chapter follows straight after the last two chapters. Enjoy!

The movie was funny in some parts and clever with other movie references in others, but overall I suppose it was a bit young for us because it was pretty boring.

Luckily Harry and I were undisturbed by any other movie viewers, which I was very thankful for because I didn't know how I could stop Harry if something happened again.

When the movie finished people started pouring out- us included, and I was surprised to see only a few little kids, most of them were teens or young adults, I suppose they were people waiting for the sequel to come out since finding memo came out when they were kids in 2003.

My eyes wandered over the Harry, dark circles were under his eyes that I hadn't noticed earlier. I sighed, just another thing to add to the list of things I don't know about him

"Hey Harry can we hand around for a bit?"

"The neighborhood or the cinema?"

"Either, I just really need to talk to you in private" Harry looked at me with concern and dread in his eyes. He sighed and  stopped to look at me

"Okay, I knew this would happen. Let's go back into the cinema?"

"But we're not allowed back in"

"So? Come on ammy, what's the point of life without a little risk? Besides the cleaner won't be in for a while, it's dark and it will be empty" I rolled my eyes but agreed, it was weird being in a deserted cinema, it felt colder. The credits were still rolling as we went up into the back corner and sat down next to each other

"Okay... What do you want to talk about?" He asked getting comfortable, it was hard to see his face in the dark but I could make out his expression of worry.

"Well... I guess you. All the vampire things I don't know about you" Harry blinked slowly looking away

"This was going to come up sooner or later, what do you want to know?" I couldn't think of anything. It was like my mind had been wiped suddenly, I was buzzing with questions now there all just poof gone. Like when someone asks you what's your favorite book and you forget every book you have ever read.

"Um I guess, how long have you been a vampire? Like recently? Because I know for a fact vampires can't age" he looked away again but this time in thought

"That's the thing, I thought that as well, but to be honest I don't really know, as long as I can remember I guess, it weird... As you said vampires don't age, they stay the age they were turned for the rest of their supernatural life, but with me, I grew up as one, all the time you knew me I was a vampire and obviously I age as normal" a vampire that doesn't age?

"But that not possible!"

"And yet here I am. Anything else?"

" all right... Well what do you um.. Like you know.." I was afraid of the answer I knew would be coming


"What do you like... Eat?" I held my breath as he sighed once again

"I know it's a hard concept to understand, but it's just the way I am. There's nothing I can do to change that. I didn't choose what I need to eat, but know that I have changed... For you... I now regularly eat blood bags from hospitals, my mother is aware of me being a vampire- I mean she raised me, so she keeps a stash off them. It's only sometimes that... The urge gets to strong and I have to drink fresh blood. But that's only like once a month!" My breath hitched in my throat and I suddenly felt like I wanted to vomit.

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