Chapter 24- We're secretly fish

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-----Banner^ Catholic Boarding school. Thank you all for 4.2K reads. I'm gonna give myself motivation with some more chapter goals. This chapters goal is: 50 reads. Think we Can make that?

The day's flew by with nothing really happening, last day of school was in a few days.

After that weird dream with mum, I have had rashes on my hands and arms. I try to apply cream to them daily but it's weird because I never really get rashes. I have been wanting to ask Rosie who she thought the notes were from but she hasn't been around the last few days but I did see her earlier today.

It was last period and our last math lesson for the year, miss growler didn't even let us celebrate, just revision and homework and blah blah blah.

"Pssssst!" I turned around to see Patricia once again with a note in hand, her hazel eyes were curious and as I reached out to grab the paper she snatched it back.

"What are these notes?"

"Love letters- private"

"Why are they in my desk rather then yours?"

"I don't know! Maybe they don't know where I sit?"

"And they know where I do?" She raised her shaped eyebrows as she cocked her head to the side, her newly done ombré hair following her.

I looked around Patricia's desk to see if there was any evidence it was her desk, and sure enough, her name was carved into the side of the desk and I raised my own eyebrows pointing to it.

"Oh... Fair enough" reluctantly she handed me the note' I opened it underneath my desk.


'Meet me at the park near your house at 12am.'

It was signed with the H and two overlapping V's something I had grown quite used to. It's like every curve had been etched into my memory.

Should I meet with them?

Should I be scared?

Is it bad that I'm actually excited?

But why now?

Of all times why do they choose the end of the year? They have been sending me notes for ages and only now they want to meet.

Would I even be able to meet with them, of course I would need to sneak out but we're breaking out Sandra this afternoon. Harry is coming as well, hopefully so is ruby, I don't know how were going to do it though.

I don't know where she's going to stay as well, I mean she cant stay at home, she cant stay at my place, maybe ruby will let her stay at hers for a bit until things cool down at Sandra's house. 

"so what does it say?" Patricia said, I saw her eyes scan the page as she obviously read it, there was nothing that gave away that it was supernatural stuff so there wasn't much harm in someone else reading it, especially since she doesn't know where the park near my house is.

"like I said love letters- private" I said shoving the note in my pocket "they just want to meet up" she ooohed me and ranted about how cute boys were, I wasn't really listening because I was busy texting ruby.

HarryIsMine: Me and harry are breaking out Sandra this Arvo, you coming?

I told ruby all about the school and my email to them which they accepted. But I wasn't sure if she was coming.

Ruby is cool: This Arvo? I don't know. Seriously HarryIsMine? What sort of a name is that?

I chuckled at ruby's attempt to dodge the question

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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