Chapter 23- Google Translate

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-------^^^Banner: Amelie's outfit for the day. Chapter is dedicated to Unicorn_Islander1 for being a great inspiration, being friendly and having the ambition and dreams to write.

"Amelie.... Amelie?.. Amelie! Get up!" Dad yelled whacking me with a pillow

"Five more minutes..," I mumbled rolling over

"No! Get up its school!" I groaned, since when did dad wake me up for school anyway? I sat up groggily and blinked my eyes to adjust to the light. I checked my phone and it was 7am

"Ugh fine" I pulled off the sheets and dad left the room once he was satisfied that I wasn't going back to bed.

I packed my bag with my books for the day, including my book of shadows and a jumper.

Once I did that I grabbed out my outfit for the day, a white Adidas t-shirt, which I rolled the sleeves, I didn't really like having brand on clothes because I didn't want to be another walking advertisement but I wasn't really bothered to spend ages looking for an outfit. I tucked the shirt into the first pair  of shorts I could find, which were medium high, black and rather a bit too short. Finally I did my hair into a side plait.

Grabbing my phone I choose my black chucks over my converse then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Memories of when I had braces in my Tweens came back to me and I laughed.

"Alright Amelie, smile, be happy, just another groggy Monday that you can get through" I told myself in the mirror.

I remember sleeping over at Sandra's house on a school night and I really didn't want to get up and go to school, so she dragged me into the bathroom to give myself a pep talk in the mirror and it worked. She said that's what she does, it got me a bit worried about her wellbeing but she said she was fine.. And I actually believed it. I sighed at my stupidity.

It's been so long since I've seen Sandra, I miss her bursts of rah and awkward shyness. Okay. It's decided, I'm definitely going to see her this afternoon, I'll ask ruby to come too, she's probably more worried then I am.

I went back to my room and grabbed my backpack and A pocket knife I got from the training warehouse, It's a regular now, to pack a little extra protection.

I need to get one of those peg straps that hold a knife in them under my clothes, like how they used to wear them under long skirts, but since I wear shorts maybe I could get one for around my stomach, arm or in my shoes. This pocket knife I hid in my shoe.

Heaving my bag over my shoulder I ran down the stairs to find dad whistling in the kitchen, I approached with caution once I smelt the pancakes.

"Dad?" I questioned, he never made breakfast or got me up for school

"Uh who else? Your lunch is on the counter, do you want some honey on your pancakes?" I nodded my head and slowly grabbed my lunch

"Are you sure your my dad? I'm starting to think that you got abducted and replaced..." He laughed

"I figured I had never really been there for you, and I can't blame it all on work. There were times I should have been there for you but I could only think about myself. But now work isn't so busy I will have time to do things with you! Things normal families do!"

"Normal families are overrated" I said and dad chuckled plopping a pancake on my plate then handed it to me with some honey.

"So is this going got be a regular thing? Breakfast?"

"As regular as possible!"

I took a seat at the table and started eating my pancakes, they weren't fantastic but the thought was great. Dad came and took a seat opposite me and got straight into his pancakes.

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