Chapter 10- Quick hide!

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------Banner^ WARNING: the characters tend to say bitch 4-5 times so if that is considered cussing for you, read at your own risk

"Hey over here!" Ruby poked her head out from behind a tree and whisper-shouted, is that a thing?

"You do realise that you're hiding behind a tree the size of a pole right?"

"Shhh! I'm hiding from Amy... She's so clingy because she thinks I'm on her side- not that I'm choosing sides!" She looked behind me and saw Amy heading our way

"Quick hide!" She pulled me to the oval and we hid behind the movable tutor 'caravans' so to say

"Why didn't you walk today" she hissed at me, not in a mean way but in a strained whisper shouting way.

"Sue me I caught the bus" she glared at me,

This morning when I woke up, I packed me bag, got dressed, everything I would do on a normal school day except a few minor changes. I had ignored 16 calls from Harry, I was wearing my lapis lazuli ring and I had caught the bus to avoid walking with Harry.

I also had a red bandana on to cover my scar, like the ones those airplane lady's wear, maybe they're all just blood bags for a vampire who might be the airplane manager.

I noticed a tug on my arm but shrugged it off contemplating if a vampire squirrel would eat peach soup... Is there such thing as peach soup?

The tugging on my arm became harder.

I was suddenly aware of ruby trying to pull me away by my arm

"Amelie! She coming!-" ruby stiffened her grip on my arm... Was ruby scared of Amy? Ruby made the rest of her body relax but didn't loosen the grip on my arm, she put on a fake smile at a certain bitchy brunette stomping our way and protectively put me behind her... Was she scared for me?

Did the guys think I was vulnerable now or something? Don't these guys remember that I Amelie used to be the devil's child in primary school, anyone who would even insult me or my friends would get a punch to the face, I was a complete rebel that wouldn't do something unless I wanted to.... Sure when I started high school I changed and I haven't hit anyone since but...

Did they really think I needed protecting?

"And where have you been!" I didn't say anything.. Couldn't say anything, I was at loss for words

"I have bee-been hanging out with Amelie" I still didn't say anything

"BAHAHA! I thought you were over her after that stunt she pulled Monday!" She hissed through gritted teeth

"I'm... Um.. I'm so-sorry?" What why was ruby apologising?

Well I couldn't talk, no literally I couldn't talk my tongue was halfway down my throat and here I was asking why she's apologising at least she's saying something!

Amy could be really intimidating when she wanted to be and it was pretty scary.

Ruby's grip loosened on my arm as she stood a bit taller and exclaimed loudly at Amy

"Actually I'm not!" Amy glared at Ruby's outburst "Amelie is my best friend, and I'm not going to let people like you! Affect that! You already got In between Katrina and Johnny- which by the way I hope you're happy because you're messing with fate, destiny and a emotional, heartbroken girl on her period that just broke up with her boyfriend! And I'm not going to let you do it to any of us again!" Wow, go ruby! Now would be a great time to say something Amelie!

"Go die in a hole with willow pape" I whispered, now if I say that to someone I really don't like them at the time. Willow pape is my number one enemy. I must adds it I have a... Slight? Addiction to Kim Kardashian Hollywood... And maybe skittles....

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