Chapter 20- Movie Date

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------Banner^ Finding Dory

Amelie's P.O.V

The doorbell rang and I rushed down the stairs, I couldn't wait to see harry it feels like an eternity since I've seen him. I opened the door to see harry standing there with some black roses in hand. I ignored the roses- which were beautiful, and leapt into his arms, he laughed and spun me around.

"Woah don't break my back!"

"You can deal with it! I missed you so much!" I smashed my lips against him as the roses dropped to the floor and we laughed more than kissed

"Uhhum?" Someone cleared their throat in front of us and i quickly jumped out of Harry's arms and looked to my dad who stood there awkwardly

"So... you two then?" He said pointing between us

"Yeah" i said bashfully

"How long has this been happening?"

"Dad I was going to tell you! But you've just been so busy" Hurt was evident across his face as I said that "Oh sorry dad!"

"No, it's not that you guys are dating, I always knew that would happen, it's just that I missed it. I've been so caught up in my work that I'm missing my daughter's life. I don't even know what happens in your life anymore" I rushed up to hug him

"Dad I know that your work is busy, now more than ever" he pulled away to look at me with questioning eyes "yeah dad I know, if you want I can get a job at McDonalds again" He shook his head

"Thanks sweetie but I'm sure I can manage, Just go have fun with your boy" he looked up at harry "At least I have this chance. You better look after her, or you're going to be in a lot of trouble with me if you don't" I laughed at him trying to be serious

"Oh don't worry Charles, I will protect her to the ends of the earth" Harry was dead serious when he said that and dad knew it. This was such a blissful moment, knowing that one of my secrets had come out but with great results. I hugged dad goodbye and grabbed my bus card and phone then went hand-in-hand to the bus-stop with harry

"Well that went swimming" harry said

"Don't say swimming it's weird"

"Your weird" I glared at him and was about to exclaim in defense when he continued "Your weird, but that's why I love you" I smiled a big, huge smile at that, wrapping my arms around his neck leaning in for a kiss, but then pulled but and ran away clucking like a chicken

"See what I mean!" He called back. He chased me to the bus stop and I ran around the bus stop, no one else was around which I was grateful for because I was still being a demented chicken, harry tried to make a grab for me but I easily side-stepped him, I was always a good runner but I could never dodge harry, so it looks like training is really paying off.

"Missed me! Missed me! Now you got to kiss me!" I sang

"With pleasure!" in the blink of an eye he sped up next to me and pushed me against the bus stop kissing me. Harry's kisses have been different today, normally he's more sweet and delicate but today he has been more passionate, when he finally pulled back I took a deep breather

"That's cheating! You went all supernatural on me!" He laughed and took my hand walking over to the bus timetable

"Its 1:57 now and the next one comes at... actually ones supposed to be coming now" we sat down on the bench waiting for the bus when an old lady sat down on the other end, she had a magazine in her hand and was glaring at the ground. Harry kissed my cheek and the woman exploded next to us

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