Cultivation 23: Double dragons enter the hole

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Cultivation 23: Double dragons enter the hole, stretch the tender pussy, and the beasts fuck fiercely in the open air (double cocks insert into the slutty pussy)


The clouds were pushed aside rapidly, and the thick cumulus clouds like cotton rushed to both sides like running lambs. A light of light blue passed through the white clouds, and the Tianjun Sword made a crisp sound, and drove forward quickly with its owner and a young man.

The sun sets in the west, and the rays of light spread from the vicinity of Jinwu all the way to the horizon. Tired birds return to their nests. People who practice Taoism have keen senses, and Gu Nian can hear the birds singing if he listens carefully.

"You're flying so high, Daddy..." The young man sighed as he spoke. Contentedly, he tightened his hold on Gu Nian and put his head on his father's shoulder.

"Stand still and don't hug me." Gu Nian was almost breathless because of his hug. He frowned subconsciously and patted the back of his hand a few times with his palm.

Gu Nian learned how to control a sword at a very early age. Ordinary people usually have to reach the stage of fasting to master the skill of controlling a sword, but he was already very proficient in the foundation-building stage. This was of course also related to his love of wandering around the sect. He had mastered the art of controlling a sword for such a long time, but this was the first time he led someone.

"Daddy, you are so awesome..." Si Luochen did not hesitate to praise his daddy to the sky.

"Good boy, don't hug me..." Gu Nian was distracted by being hugged, and made several mistakes when concentrating his true energy to control the sword. If his sword was not the magic sword forged for him by Qing Lan himself, he and Si Luochen would have fallen several times.

"Yes, yes, I'll hold you, Daddy. Longlong is afraid of heights and he's afraid of falling down..." Si Luochen loosened his grip a little as he was told, but still refused to let go.

Flying at high altitude, the whistling wind was heard beside his ears, and the air was filled with condensed water vapor. After flying for a long time, Gu Nian felt a little cold, but strangely, Xiaolong behind him didn't seem to feel cold at all, and his body was getting hotter and hotter. The scorching heat was transmitted to Gu Nian through their clothes, which made him startled.

Gu Nian soon realized that something was wrong. His heart skipped a beat and a ridiculous thought flashed through his mind. He quickly controlled the sword to stop, and holding Si Luochen's hand, he turned around and said, "Xiaolong, what's wrong with you? Why is your body so hot?"

Si Luochen was trembling all over, his face and hands were red with heat, and a scorching fire burned all over his body. Countless violent elements gathered together to form torrents that rushed through his body.

He just thought he was sick and didn't want to make his father worry, so he had been biting his lip and keeping silent from the time his fever started until now. He didn't expect that his father would still find out.

"I, I'm fine, Daddy, I... Daddy, don't worry about me, just take me and continue flying, we still have to hurry on our way..." His throat seemed to have been severely burned by a branding iron, and his words were extremely hoarse. This time, Si Luochen did not rely on Gu Nian, but only supported his body with the help of Gu Nian's hand.

"Nonsense! Why didn't you tell me earlier that you were not feeling well? How could I still think about getting on the road when you're like this!" Gu Nian was so angry that his nose and ears were smoking. He raised his hand and hit Si Luochen with a chestnut. He looked fierce on the surface, but he didn't use any strength at all.

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