ABO 11: Finger rape slut, the prince sucks the tender breasts

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ABO 11: Finger rape slut, the prince sucks the tender breasts [sinister attack flower hole, crazy rape]


The big breasts are like tofu, soft, smooth and tender to the touch, making people love them.

The breasts were so round that even Pepsis couldn't hold them with his whole hand. He cupped his hands into a bowl and placed them on the towering snow-capped peaks.

The clear lines on the palm caressed the Omega's delicate and sensitive nipples. Feeling the burning touch under his hands, Peppersis's breathing gradually became louder, and his crotch uncontrollably rose in a flag-like salute.

He tried hard to suppress the pheromones in his body from erupting. He moved his right hand to the other breast that he had not had time to take care of, grabbed the white breast flesh, twisted it a few times, and then squeezed it hard!

In an instant, the plump and smooth breast flesh squeezed out from between his five fingers!

This pair of breasts is still so sexy even when the owner is asleep!

In a daze, Gu Nian only felt someone holding his breasts tightly, with such force that it was almost difficult for him to breathe.

"Stop rubbing... Ren Chenkun, please don't..." He was still in his sleep and turned his body slightly, but he didn't expect that Peppersis's palm was deeply clamped in his cleavage.

Pepsis thought Gu Nian was about to wake up, and his heart pounded a few times.

When he found that the boy did not wake up and instead called out the name of another Alpha, he suddenly felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water over him from head to toe, and his heart felt cold as if it had been frozen in an instant.

He no longer had the heart to knead the big breasts and withdrew his hand from the soft breast flesh.

The next day, what made Gu Nian feel very strange was that Pepsis, who had been chatting happily with him yesterday, had a gloomy face today, and a cold aura of "Don't come near me" was all around him.

What's wrong with this guy?

Could it be that men always have those few days that affect him?

Although Gu Nian didn't agree, he said he understood, nodded silently and left the dormitory.

Seeing that Gu Nian hadn't said a single word to him since getting up, Pepersis's expression became even colder.

Fortunately, he quickly received a call. He adjusted the expression on his face, revealed a rare smile, turned on the video, and curled the corners of his lips at the person on the other side of the video.

"Good morning, Mom. How have you been lately?"

The person in the video was Princess Eleanor, or rather, the former Princess Eleanor. Three years ago, she was falsely accused of participating in a harem feud, and was driven out of the palace and exiled to the planet of Tindelki, stripped of all her royal status and honors.

"I'm doing well, Roy." Eleanor was already in her forties, but she still looked very young, especially when she smiled, her eyes were curved and she looked very gentle. She called Peppersis by his nickname affectionately.

"That's good, Mom, do you want to come back?" Peppersis Roy Leonard sat upright in a chair, his left hand on the edge of the table, while his right hand was clenched into a fist on his thigh.

For three years, he and his mother had never met in private except through video calls. His mother was gentle, kind and amiable, and she always disdained to participate in the dirty things like harem fighting.

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