Bloodline 16: Having sex with a male wolf in the wild

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Bloodline 16: Having sex with a male wolf in the wild, using a crown to poke the pussy, using a diamond to grind the hole, and then fucking in wolf form and then in human form


The real murderer of East District 12th Street was arrested by the Temple. Bethaze saw the news in the newspaper. It was breakfast time, and Gu Nian was sitting next to him eating breakfast and drinking soy milk.

"I didn't expect it to be him. This guy should be difficult to catch." Gu Nian felt that Besaze's soy milk was too bland and there was no sugar at all. He used a spoon to add three spoonfuls of sugar to his own cup, and then added half a spoonful to Besaze's.

The newspaper showed a man with gloomy eyes, Beatles hair, a bloated face, and a hideous scar running from his brow to the left side of his cheek.

Gu Nian had seen him at a dinner party that Bethaze took him to, when the man was still Bethaze's subordinate. The man had saved Bethaze's uncle before, and Bethaze's uncle was a capable man who had done a lot of work to kill the first generation of vampires in Bethaze, so the man was valued by Bethaze and his uncle, and managed a territory in the far north for Bethaze.

Later, the man rebelled, and Bethazar sent the old steward's daughter to take over the territory in the far north.

"Well, he stole the relics from my father and uncle's grave. I went to get them back from him that day." A flame suddenly ignited at Bethaze's fingertips, burning the newspaper to ashes. "If I had known he had killed so many people, I should have killed him directly at that time."

"By the way, your watch is still with the Temple Hunter. I left in such a hurry last time that I forgot to get it back for you."

"Those rubbish from the Temple are simply unbearable if anything has their scent on it. If you like, I'll give you a new one later." The elements of light and darkness repel each other. Just like the Temple is prejudiced against the vampires, many people in the vampire clan also have prejudices against the Temple, and Bethaze is no exception.

"That's not necessary."

The sky was dim, and the cold wind swirled dead leaves and branches, and there was a desolate silence between heaven and earth. It was Friday, and since school was almost over forty minutes ago, there were almost no people at the school gate.

Gu Nian was wearing a pair of black wired headphones. He pulled his coat tighter and just stepped out of the school gate. When he saw a familiar figure in white, his pupils focused slightly, and then he raised his eyebrows and walked towards the person, "Why are you here?"

Today, Absolon was still dressed in a very Temple style. If you stood close, you could clearly see the slowly moving golden magic circle on his clothes. His face was a little pale, probably because he had been standing in the cold wind for too long.

"I just happened to pass by your school. Let's have dinner together." Absolon looked away unnaturally and pursed his thin lips.

"Really? That's really a coincidence." Gu Nian's school was built in a relatively remote place with inconvenient transportation. He didn't believe that Absolon would pass by their school by such a coincidence. He lowered his head and smiled, not exposing it.

The restaurant they went to eat was in the city center. Absolon drove Gu Nian there. Perhaps because it was close to the temple where Absolon worked, they met several temple hunters along the way.

After ordering the food, while waiting for the dishes to be served, Gu Nian saw from afar a man who was obviously from the Light Clan striding towards their table. The man did not hide his anger at all, and his eyes were extremely hot when he looked at Absolon.

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