StarCraft: 4P passionate love with mortal enemy

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StarCraft: 4P passionate love with mortal enemy, teacher, and younger brother, triple attack, burst cum, fuck


Qi Shengchen had never had a very good impression of Lin Haofeng, thinking that he had intervened temporarily and snatched his brother away. This thought reached its peak when he saw a post on the campus forum.

He gritted his teeth in anger and forced himself to finish reading the foul post, then angrily knocked on the door of Lin Haofeng's apartment. The moment the intelligent robot opened the door, he rushed in, bypassing the robot that wanted to say a greeting.

"My brother is still young, and you are forcing him to have a teacher-student relationship with you? The photos of you shopping last time were exposed on the campus forum! Whether you live or die has nothing to do with me, how do you want me to end it now?" Qi Shengchen threw the laptop with a bright screen heavily at Lin Haofeng.

"Yes, Nian Nian was still young, but you forced him to have sex with you. If I remember correctly, you are still brothers in name only, right?" Facing the imposing Qi Shengchen, Lin Haofeng was not at all nervous. Instead, he retorted with every word.

Gu Nian already knew that Lin Haofeng had investigated him, so he was not very surprised when he heard it. He looked at the two people who were on the verge of a fight, and quietly sat on the sofa away from Lin Haofeng to avoid being the small fish that was affected by the fire at the city gate.

Qi Shengchen's face turned red and white, but he soon revealed a handsome and sarcastic smile, "You can only bicker."

Although Lin Haofeng was determined not to give in, he was very concerned about everything related to Gu Nian. He quickly picked up the laptop and started reading. As soon as he glanced at the title, his eyes immediately became dark and deep, like an abyss with no bottom in sight. His whole person began to become cold and intimidating.

I saw a post with a bold and red text and a "hottest" icon after it. The post was a screenshot. The title of the first post was "Military school students use their bodies to get promoted and shamelessly seduce teachers. Cheating on exams, slacking off in training, shopping and renting rooms are all routine operations!"

The post was made by a person with the online name "The Insignificant Person Shocked by the PY Transaction". It was written in an eloquent and well-written style. The first paragraph was followed by a picture of Gu Nian and him shopping. However, because the angle was not chosen well, he and Gu Nian did not look very close.

The subsequent allegations of "cheating in the exam" and "slacking off in training" are completely false. Although he had sex with Gu Nian, they had never stayed in a hotel outside. It seems that the person who posted the message was righteous, but in fact there is no other evidence except a photo of them shopping.

"Forget it, you crippled bastard, my brother is going to be scolded to death!" Qi Shengchen didn't know that Lin Haofeng was already certain that the poster didn't have the key evidence. He saw Lin Haofeng suddenly become calm and scroll down for some reason, and he took back the laptop in a rage.

Gu Nian: ...Brother, what are you talking about? Teacher Lin is now a disabled man!

Gu Nian doesn't care about how others scold him online. The people he cares about most in his life are just a few: his parents and the few people he has met since he traveled through time.

But Qi Shengchen obviously didn't think so. He felt even more uncomfortable watching those people scolding Gu Nian with vicious words than being scolded himself.

What's more, Gu Nian is still studying in the military academy. The military academy will be the main force for supplying outstanding talents to the army in the future. Even though it is still a school, it has already strictly enforced military discipline. If those stubborn old antiques in the school find out, a criticism and credit deduction will be the best. If the situation gets serious, it is not impossible for him to be expelled directly.

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