38: Betrayed.

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Chapter 38:


     " Pick the damn call, " I snapped. Dialing her number once again, it had been a day since she went missing, we searched everywhere for her yet she was no where to be found.

Until I check the CCTV footage of her house a day ago, she was taken away by a black van, I did not want to believe she could have been kidnapped.

It was impossible.

My phone rang, I check the ID thinking it was her yet, to my Disappointment, it wasn't. " what? " I snapped.

" we have a lead, " Ashton informed, " Madule has an idea where she is, "

" where are you? "

" your house, "

" I am coming over, " I informed, making a U turn.

I arrived at my house and headed straight in, once I was in, I met everyone in my living room waiting for me.Ignoring them, I went straight to Madule, "where is she?" I demanded.

She had tears in her eyes," b-before that, I have something to say," she stated.

" I don't have the time for that at the moment, where. is. she?!"

She shook her head," you have to listen to me first, if you don't listen to me, you will make a mistake, one you might regret,"


" Dyletto!" Ashton boomed, " listen to what she has to say, you have always been the calmest amongst us, why are you being impatient?"

" No, tell me where she is and I will decide if I have the time to listen to you or not,"

Sniffling, she replied, " okay, b-but you have to listen to me before doing anything, okay?," She looked at me with pleading eyes to which I nodded. " S-she," Madule closed her eyes.

" D-damien kidnapped her,"

" WHAT?!" I and everyone one in the room shouted.

" Why would he do that?" Ashton asked.

" H- he is not in his right state of mind and he doesn't know what he is doing, he is acting up hi-"

" Why would he do that?" I demanded, disbelief edged in my voice, " Damien wouldn't do such a thing, he is my friend, I know much about him to not believe your words, why are you lying Madule? He is your friend too,"

" I know, he didn't mean to do it, he just, he is going through a lot right now and thinks he is making the best decision by doing this, I-"

" Madule," I held my hand up," don't, I respect you a lot, we have been friends for years, however, I won't take this from you, speaking of my friend like he is a criminal, he might have been through a lot yet y-" the ringing of my phone interrupted my words.

Checking the ID, it turned out to be Damien, I shot Madule a glare before picking the call, " Damien," I greeted.

" D-dyletto? Is that you," I expected to hear my friends voice, however the voice belonged to Stacey.

" Stacey? Why are you speaking to me from Damien's phone?" I queried.

" I-i was kidnapped, s-someman in black kidnapped me, th- how am I speaking to you? T-this is Damien's phone? How?" Her panicked voice stuttered.

" Wait! Let me speak to him, please don't! Wait! Let me speak to him! Please!" I heard shuffling, then footsteps.

"Stacey? Stacey! Are you still ther-"

" Dyl, " the voice had changed this time, it was Damien.

" Damien? Are you alright?" I frowned, confused upon everything I had just heard, he could not have kidnapped her, he could not possibly have.

Damien clicked his tongue," you still care for me, " he chuckled, " but you won't soon, I have your girl,"

" What do you mean?" I looked at Madule.

" For years, I have been waiting for this moment, when you finally have a woman in your life, a woman you love, it wasn't easy waiting, but I guess my waiting paid off, Stacey, you love her," he chuckled.

" And now I have her, i will make her just like the others, your sister, she was so easy to fuck oh and that Girl too, what was her name again? Stacey's sister, remind me Stacey, what was her name? shh, " I could hear Stacey's whimper on the other side.

" Damien! What the hell is wrong with you, why are doing this,"

" Because I hate you, I hate you and everything about you,"

" No! You can't possibly-You don't know what you are saying,"

" Oh yes I do and I will make sure you suffer like I did,"

" Don't you dare touch her," I boomed.

Chuckling, he said, " watch me," then he ended the call and sent me a picture, Stacey was tied to a chair, a tape covering her mouth, tears in her eyes.

I turned to Madule," where are they?" My voice calm yet the rage in me.

She shook her head, " D-Damien is not himself at the moment, he is-"

" I said where are they?"

" Y- you have to listen to me first, h-"

" I said where?!!!!" I bellowed, to which she flinched.

" T-the abandoned warehouse his father owned,"

Balling my fists, I hurried out the door, ignoring the calls of my Dad, before I knew it, I was in my car driving to the location Stacey might be held.

The conversation we had on the day of the funeral retuned to my head, making me doubt my trust in my friend, why would he do such a thing to Dyleine or anyone?

He knew how much things like that could ruin a person, why he do such a thing.

All through the drive, I did not believe what I had heard, Damien and I had been friends for years now.

I arrived at the location running in through the back door, perhaps I had been to hasty to arrive there yet I didn't care, I needed to save her.

Facing such a situation, I realized she was important to me, more important than I could imagine she would ever be, So important that it scared me.


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