Chapter Five

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Though she tried not to dwell on it, disappointment gnawed at her every time he crossed her mind. She hated admitting it even to herself, but the gnawing feeling was hard to shake. To make matters worse, no matter how hard she tried to focus on anything else, her mind always drifted back to him, making it harder to ignore the thoughts that crept in, especially when she recalled seeing him naked. Her cheeks burned at the memory. You shouldn't be thinking about him like that, Rosalia. It's completely inappropriate, she scolded herself, willing her mind to think of something, anything else.

"You're blushing," Stacey commented from beside her, a teasing grin pulling at the corners of her mouth.

Rosie snapped out of her reverie and shook her head. "I am not," she said a little too quickly, trying to focus on the task at hand. Today, Snape and Lockhart had called all the students into the Great Hall for some reason, and Rosie couldn't figure out why. Everyone was on edge after hearing the news that there had been another attack, and the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.

"I mean, what if Dumbledore closes the school? I don't want to go home," Esmie's anxious voice broke through Rosie's thoughts. She glanced over to where the younger girl was standing with Enzo, wringing her hands nervously.

"Dumbledore isn't going to close the school," Mattheo replied, his voice calm as if nothing in the world could faze him.

"He might," Esmie insisted, her voice rising with worry. "And then my parents will make me go to a Muggle school, and I'll never see any of you ever again!" Her voice wavered as the panic in her words grew. Before she could spiral further, Enzo wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Esmie, that's not going to happen, I promise. Everything's going to be fine," Enzo said softly, his voice calm and reassuring. Rosie watched the two of them for a moment, hoping that Enzo's words would turn out to be true, but deep down, she couldn't help worrying about what the Chamber of Secrets meant for the school. The rumours about its reopening had everyone on edge, and even though she wanted to stay optimistic, the threat felt real.

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