Chapter Twenty Four

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Banners of crimson and gold, emerald and silver, blue and bronze, and yellow and black adorned the walls, fluttering gently in a breeze that was either enchanted or the product of hundred of sighs and murmurs of excitement. The enchanted ceiling mirrored the clear blue sky of the early June day, with sunlight streaming down and bathing the hall in a warm, golden glow.

Rosie stood off to the side, away from the clusters of students chatting animatedly as they waited for the ceremony to begin. She adjusted the hem of her dress robes for the hundredth time, trying to focus on the simple action rather than the overwhelming tide of emotions threatening to crash over her. Today was supposed to be a day of celebration, a day to mark the end of seven years of hard work, trials, friendships, and — Rosie's thoughts faltered — love.

She had been chosen to give the graduation speech. It was an honour, one that had initially filled her with pride and joy. But now, standing there, the weight of that responsibility felt almost unbearable. She glanced around, her eyes seeking out familiar faces in the crowd of students and families filling the hall.

And there he was.

Tom Riddle stood near the back, his tall frame impossible to miss even in the sea of people. His face was impassive, unreadable as ever, but his eyes — those piercing, dark eyes — were fixed on her. For a moment, the noise around her faded, and all she could hear was the pounding of her own heart. Memories of their time together flooded her mind, unbidden and unwanted, but relentless. The nights they had spent talking in hushed tones, the secret shared, the fleeting moments of tenderness — Rosie had tried to bury them deep within her, but seeing him now brought it all rushing back.

She tore her gaze away, forcing herself to focus on the task ahead. As she walked toward the podium, she spotted Stacey, her close friend, beaming at her from the front row. Seeing Stacey's warm smile was a reminder that there was still joy and light in the world even when it seemed shrouded in darkness. Seeing her so happy made Rosie's heart ache with a bittersweet mixture of happiness and envy. Stacey had a future full of possibilities, while Rosie's own future seemed as uncertain as ever.

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