Chapter Seven

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With the return of classes, a noticeable shift had occurred between Rosie and Tom. Their dynamic had turned into an unspoken rivalry. The competition wasn't outright hostile, but it was there — a silent battle where each tried to prove themselves the better student. Neither would admit it, but ever since Christmas, something unexplainable had come between them, driving this need to outdo one another.

Rosie trudged through the snowy grounds, following Stacey into Care of Magical Creatures. The air was crisp, and the cold stung her cheeks, though she barely noticed. Her mind was already occupied with thoughts of the upcoming lesson and — inevitably — Tom. She cast a glance over her shoulder as they entered the makeshift outdoor classroom. Sure enough, there he was, walking towards the gathering of students with the usual air of quiet confidence that made him impossible to ignore. Their eyes met for a brief moment before he broke the gaze, heading toward his usual seat near the front of the classroom.

Stacey, ever observant, didn't miss a thing. "Are you going to spend this entire class competing with Tom?" She asked, her voice a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"I'm not competing with him," Rosie replied, though the way her shoulders stiffened said otherwise.

"Really? Because it sure seems like you two have been at each other's throats ever since the holidays. What happened between you two?" Stacey pressed, clearly not convinced.

"Nothing," Rosie said quickly, looking away and pretending to focus on adjusting her scarf. She wasn't ready to admit to herself, let alone anyone else, what was truly going on between her and Tom. She wasn't even sure herself. What had started as friendly banter had escalated into a rivalry that neither seemed capable of backing down from.

As Tom took his seat near the front, Rosie could feel his presence even without looking. His energy, his confidence — it drew people to him, and she hated that she noticed. She hated that every time he was near, her thoughts became jumbled, her focus scattered. But she wouldn't let him distract her today. Not again.

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