chapter 39: kiten village attacked

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After completing their mission in the underwater temple and retrieving the magic stone the black bulls had returned to their headquarters, "Alright good job everybody" Asta said cheerfully from where he sat on top of a couch in the living area.

Noelle was siting on the couch itself as she looked up at her boyfriend with an annoyed look on her face, "Will you take it easy already, you were the one who was injured the most' she said.

"Oh Marie, Ive finally returned to the service" said Gauche smiling at a picture of his sister and from being in the underwater temple for so long blood was coming out of both of his nostrils.

Charmy was eating food at a table and Vanessa was drinking, "Uh theres nothing like a cold drink after a mission, or three haha" Vanessa said smiling as there was two empty bottles next to her.

"Oh thank god that's over" said Firnal lying back one of the couches looking exhausted.

"Man fighting those guys was really exciting, makes me want to fight more like them" said Luck punching his fists forward.

"Haha that wasn't so bad for the lowest of the magic knights" said Magna excitedly, he was sitting next to Grey who was in her true form and had her eyes covered.

"Yeah but even after all that were still in last place when it comes to the rankings and by the way" said Finral before looking at the corner of the room where Gordon was sitting. He was sitting on the ground hugging his knees.

"Wait has been there the entire time we were gone" said Gauche.

"I don't remember seeing him there" said Magna looking confused while Gordon muttered.

"Hello everyone I'm so glad you all made it back safely, how was your time in the underwater temple" he muttered looking depressed.

"I feel like we should say something, he looks kind of depressed" said Finral noticing the downed look on Gordons face.

"I'm surprised he can even act this way" said Gauche looking confused as Gordon continued to mutter silently.

"I had a parasol for us all the share but you all left without me, I thought going to different places is what friends do" he muttered silently while the people paying attention to him watched him looking creeped out.

"Alright everyone I gotta go give my report, Finral your on portal duty" said Yami walking into the room with Charlotte who wasn't wearing her mask.

"Do I have to, we just got back" said Finral getting up from where he was sitting.

"Yes and also Charlotte needs to get back to her other squad" said Yami making the spacial magic user look down.

"Are you going to be alright walking around without the mask" asked Noelle?

"Don't worry my mask was damaged a few times in the past so I came up with a solution if I wasn't able to wear it ill just have to pull my hood over my face up when I'm walking around the capital" said Charlotte.

"Oh and Charmy your coming to with those prisoners we were able to capture" said Yami looking over at Charmy who suddenly stopped eating.

"Oh will there be tasty food there" asked Charmy looking excited?

"I wouldn't count on it" Yami said making another one of his squad members looking down when Asta walked over to him.

"Please sir let me go too" said Asta.

"No way, your arms are broken so you should be staying here" said Yami.

"Hes right you should be focused on recovering, you were hurt badly" said Noelle as her mind flashed back to when Asta screamed when Veto grabbed him.

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