I tried to move my body around to get comfortable on my suddenly very hard bed, but found myself to be immobile. I slowly opened my eyes and stared blankly up at the unfamiliar ceiling above me for a good ten minutes wanting it to be a horrible dream. I swallowed thickly and dragged my eyes down to suddenly become aware of someone's arms wrapped around my very naked self. I am naked. In someone else's bed. With their thick, muscular, tanned arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Brilliant.
My heart hammered loudly in my chest as I trailed my eyes up the arm to the body that it's attached to. Relief shot through me seeing the person was on his stomach and had his face buried in the pillow facing away from me. I don't want to see the person I did a one-nighter with.
"Dad is going to kill me." I whispered weakly to myself as I stared at the stranger's back -a very hot, sculptured and delicious looking back- for several long moments. My mind kicked into gear at the thought of dad's temper and I carefully began to peel his arm off my waist. When it came in contact with the mattress as I wiggled free he shifted slightly and I froze in horror. Thankfully, he didn't wake up.
I tip toed as quickly as I dared around his surprisingly clean apartment picking up my scattered clothing -and mouthing swearwords at Tilly for letting me do something this reckless. I huffed out an annoyed breath when I finally found my knickers only to see they've been shredded. Someone was obviously desperate.
When I was dressed again I checked to make sure all my possessions were still in my purse before creeping into the bathroom and shutting the door quietly behind me.
I almost screamed seeing my reflection.
Not only did I have to deal with the dull ache in my body, particularly my hips and thighs, from our nocturnal activities -which must have been good from how loved-up I look- but I also look like a demented clown who went off the bender last night because she brings fear to children instead of joy.
I wiped off what I could with what little he had in his bathroom before tying up my hair not even going to try and save it right now. He could wake up soon and we've have to sit through the ever awkward 'oh, good morning. Nice night?' routine. Did it once, do not want a repeat. My mouth suddenly dropped open when I noticed something on my neck and I leaned close to the mirror shaking my head in panic. There's no way I can hide this from my dad. The pig in the bed actually let me get a damn tattoo while completely intoxicated.
It looked nice enough. Kind of. It looked like an animal bit into me from the puncture wounds and there were black swirls around it curling into initials. But it somehow didn't look complete.
Eventually I accepted my fate and peered out of the bathroom door to see the naked man still asleep in his bed. I let out a small breath of relief before picking my shoes up and shoving them in my bag. I crept over to the front door and opened it as quietly as I could before casting on last look at him. I only saw part of his face, but he looked unnaturally gorgeous. It should be illegal for him to look that good. I shook my head in pity for myself before slipping outside and shutting the door behind me.
I was partway down the stairs, half way to freedom, when a car suddenly turned into the second parking space beside a sleek looking car no doubt belonging to the naked man upstairs. I froze in place with wide eyes when two figures climbed out of the car and smirked widely at me in amusement. Damn it. I whined mentally seeing their smug faces and felt blood rush from my face at the new predicament. Naked man's friends.
"Slade sure knows how to pick 'em." One commented as his eyes swept over my appearance and I scrunched my nose up in disgust at him. He's way out of his element if he wants me.
"But never before has one left his apartment willingly. Usually, they have to be thrown out onto the street. A very refreshing sight." The other spoke up after a few moments and the first laughed loudly nodding in agreement. I jumped down the rest of the stairs to quickly cover his mouth before he woke his friend upstairs.

Immortal Bite
Werewolf"Bite me again and I will shove this so far up your ass-" "Easy, love; they're only love bites." Slade teased me in amusement as he stepped back from me with his hands raised in surrender. He's smart enough to eye the whisk cautiously in my hand, bu...