I'm Back.

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Warnings : FLUFF

Word count : 1005 :0



"Hey, I'm going out tonight. I'm leaving at 7, okay?" Phil walked into the room, towel round his waist, black hair tousled and wet. Dan bit his lip to stop himself letting out a whimper of desire at the sight.

"S-Sure. Me too.. Why did you need to tell me though?" Dan questioned, not meaning for it to come out so harshly. "I... Uhh... just thought you might want to know." Dan could see Phil's cheeks were slightly more pink than usual. "Anyway..." Phil swiftly changed the topic of conversation. "What time are you going?" "8." Dan said simply and Phil sighed.

Guess I actually have to make an effort to go out tonight... Phil thought sadly. He usually just stayed at home when he said he was going to go out; Dan always left before him.

"Um, okay. Well... I have half an hour to get ready and my stupid GHD's take forever to heat up, so I better go get ready." Dan chuckled at Phil's remark. "I'll tell you when I'm leaving, m'kay?" Phil left the room, not waiting for an answer. He stumbled into his bedroom and flopped down on his bed, face first. He groaned loudly into his bed covers, curling his toes in frustration. "I should probably get ready..." He moaned and rolled over to see a wide-eyed Dan in his doorway."Uhh... Phil?" Dan said, shifting awkwardly on his feet. Phil eyed him questioningly and watched as Dan's eyes flickered downwards. He looked down slowly, dreading the sight that was bound to meet his eyes. No towel.

"SHIT." Phil said loudly, quickly grabbing the towel and covering up the tiny shreds of his dignity that barely remained intact. Dan backed out of the room and Phil heard his footsteps quicken in pace and his bedroom slam shut. Phil sighed and checked his phone for the time. 20 minutes. Great.

~20 Minutes Later~Phil hopped through the kitchen, pulling his skinnies up his thighs, phone in his mouth. Dan snickered at the sight and Phil shot him a venomous glare. "Someone left it a bit late." Dan giggled, earning a frown from Phil. He leant down and placed his iPhone on the breakfast bar, directly from his mouth. Dan sat there smirking at Phil as he struggled to pull up his skin-tight trousers. Rolling his eyes and grinning, he made his way round to Phil so he was standing behind him. He grabbed Phil's waistband, taking him by surprise. "Jump." He whispered into Phil's ear, making them both shiver involuntarily. Phil obeyed and jumped in the air. While Phil was doing so, Dan yanked Phil's jeans up. "Team work." Dan grinned as Phil hit the floor. "T-Thanks." The tops of Phil's ears, that were sticking out of his hair, had turned pink. Avoiding any awkwardness, Dan quickly clicked the 'Home' button on Phil's iPhone in order to see the time."Phil, you're late." He stated, handing him his phone. "Oh, god, I'll see you later then." Phil took the phone and shoved it in his pocket, flashing Dan a grateful smile before dashing out of the flat. Dan sighed, it would be another long, Phil-deprived evening. Dan wasn't planning on actually going out, it was one of the rare occasions which he decided he would 'go out' later than Phil and even if he did, these nights out usually consisted of moping around in Starbucks, sipping lattes and grumbling to random strangers about how he can never pluck up the courage to tell his best friend he loves him. Phil would be out having fun with his friends, not thinking about Dan, whereas Dan couldn't get Phil out of his mind. He made his way through to the living room and reached for the remote, flicking through the channels on the TV. "Nothing good. Fantastic." He threw the remote across the room and watched as the back flipped off and the batteries fell out. He groaned and gripped his hands in his hair, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. "This evening better pass quickly." He let his head roll backwards. "Dan?!" Dan was awoken by someone shaking his shoulders. He opened his eyes to see Phil leaning over him. "Why are you still here? It's 10 past 8! You need to leave!" He exclaimed, trying to pull Dan to his feet."But I'm not going out tonight." Dan mumbled, still half asleep. "What?! Why not?" Phil seemed a little too shocked."Because..." Dan was now fully awake, Phil's shrieking voice rattled through his head, and staring at the floor. He felt Phil's questioning eyes following his every move. "Because?" Phil prompted. "Hang on... Why are you here? Aren't you meant to be out?" Dan raised an eyebrow at a blushing Phil. "Well.. I..." He trailed off, unsure where to go next."You were never going out, were you?" Dan said and Phil sighed, shaking his head. "Me either..." Dan replied to Phil's actions. "I never go out when I say I will. I just go to Starbucks." Dan admitted. Phil looked up at him.

"So... Neither of us go out?" Phil summed up.

"Pretty much." Dan laughed humorlessly.

"Then why don't we just stay in? I'd much rather spend the evening cuddling on the sofa with you than on my own while you pretend to be out." Phil sighed. They both realised what he'd said at the same time."No, wait...""Me too."

They said at the same time. Phil's eyes widened as he stared at Dan in shock. Dan just shrugged and smiled.

"Let's do it." He said and a wide grin spread across Phil's face. "I'll get the popcorn, you get the blankets." He said and they nodded at each other."Hey, Phil?" Dan called over his shoulder as he reached the door. "Hm?" Phil looked up."Love you." Dan replied and left the room, not waiting to see the reaction, but he heard the floorboards squeaking slightly so he could only assume Phil was doing his adorable little happy dance. Dan really was in love with this man.

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