Secret Slasher.

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Warnings : Mild Smut which is so mild that its pretty much not even smut.

Word Count : 629


Oh for fuck sake. "Dan! Did you borrow my straighteners again?" I called from my room.

"No..." came the guilty reply from next door.

"For god sake, you have your own," I said as I walked into his room.

He was lying on the floor typing furiously on his laptop. I snatched my straighteners from his bedside table and went to leave, but something caught my eye. The title of the document Dan was working on...


No! I though. Dan isn't a slasher...Is he?

"Hey Dan, what you working on?"

He quickly minimised the window.


"Well that's a lie. Come on show me."

"No, you will judge me."

"I won't. Now show me."

Dan brought the window back into view and I sat down next to him.

I slowly scanned the text, it was describing a romantic scene between Alex and Charlie slowly leading into a sex scene. I won't lie, it turned me on but I was imagining it with Dan.

"Please say something," Dan said pleadingly.

"I didn't know you thought like this. How do you know what to say?"

"I just get ideas from what I read.. No, no. I mean, I don't read it, well I do but I don't read the stuff about us. Well I did once but that was by accident."

"Dan, Dan. Calm down, " I soothed, "I don't mind."

"You don't?"

"No, it's fine. Besides what you have written is really good."

Dan blushed. So cute. "Thanks."

He opened his mouth as if to say something then quickly shut it.

"What were you going to say?"


"Stop lying! Besides you are hardly gonna shock me."

"I was gonna ask is I could try something out on you. I want to know if it is realistic."

I thought about it. Dan was writing sexy slash fiction and wanted to try something out on me. Yes please!

"Ok, sure."

"Stand up then."

We stood and he edged closer to me."

"Ok just go with it."

"I will try." I lied, this was gonna be easy.

He took my wrist and guided me towards his neck manipulating my hand and soon had me softly stroking his neck. I slowly slid my other hand round his waist. Dan looked at me shocked but didn't stop me. He let go of my wrist and I continued to caress his neck. Slowly he let his instincts take over and let me pull him closer, I could feel his hands on my back tracing light circles.

I couldn't take it anymore it was like he knew exactly what I liked. I let my hand slip round to the back of his neck and directed his face towards mine. I stopped just before our lips touched. Did Dan really want this? He answered of course, not with words but with his soft lips pressed to mine.

Light at first almost nervous. I tightened my grip on his neck and pulled him closer to me. His bosy stiffened under my touch. Oh God maybe I had gone to far. I moved to pull back but he stopped me. A hand shot to the back of my head and held me in place. Dan's fingers intertwined through my hair tugging slightly.

His tongue slid into my mouth, Not holding back now are we Daniel I thought.

He got more forceful, with a firm grip on my hair and my arse.

Carefully he pushed me back onto his bed. My body was screaming for oxygen and I didn't want to but I had to break away from his kiss.

We lay next to each other gasping for breath. Dan cuddled into my chest.

"I didn't know you felt the same." He mumbled into my chest.

I smiled at him. How could someone be so cute..

"I think I'd be good as a slasher," I said confidently

Dan's head shot up.


"Ye. I mean, this shit writes itself."

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