
905 26 0

Warnings : Noneeee.
Word Count; 299


Dan was sitting in his room uploading a video, a horror game video to be exact. Sonic.exe if you want to go inanely into detail. It was 3am and Dan was terrified. The supernatural and fictional horror scared him so much for some reason. A small tapping noise came from his door. Dan jumped a bit and stared at his door. The boy crept to the door and opened it slightly to a dark hallway. He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight to guide his way. He looked around.


Dan heard something hit the wall in Phil's room and jumped. Should he go in? What was happening? Dan closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened his brown eyes and opened Phil's door to see the older one fast asleep. Dan though Phil probably hit his head in his sleep. Dan heard something fall and went to Phil's bed shaking the older boy's leg, dropping his phone in the process.

"Phil, Phil, Phil!? Wake up. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! Sonic is coming to get meee....!!!" Dan had a tear falling down his face. He was like a little kid scared of the dark.

"Huh, what?" Phil sat up and looked at Dan's terrified face.

"I'm scared, I'm scared, Sonic, Tails died, please help!!!"

"Would it help if you laid with me tonight?" Phil was still partially asleep but still able to function almost like a normal human being. Or at least a so called, "normal", Phil.

"Maybe" Dan said with tears in his eyes.

"Then you may."

The rest of the night they boys slept with Dan's arms wrapped around Phil's chest and Phil hugging Dan tightly.

After this Dan wanted to play another Creepypasta game, only for the cuddles.

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