What's This?

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Word Count : 1800



Christmas Eve. The time where everyone is ready to burst from excitement as Christmas was under twenty-four hours away. Gifts, cards, family time, a good meal, smiles, and festive joy. The children could barely sit still, sitting on their hands as they bounced up and done on the chairs they were sat on. The last of the chocolates from their advent calenders had been munched as soon as they awoke from their peaceful slumbers, but no frowns appeared on their faces. They knew that they were sure to get even more chocolate the next day, so much more than their advent calenders provided. As the morning turned to the afternoon, and the afternoon turned to early evening, the skies turned black and were dotted with stars. Streets were illuminated by lights ranging from simple fairy lights to extravagant displays of colour. Children sang carols in small groups as parents rushed them home, most likely heading home after some very last minute Christmas shopping. Snow gracefully fell from the sky and landed on the ground, soon covering pavements, roads and houses in a light layer of fluffy snow. Despite there being so much pure white snow, there is so much colour. The lights, patterned hats and scarves, mittens, bright coloured coats and boots. So much merriment goes through the town like an infection.Then there is the other side of town.This side of town doesn't celebrate Christmas. Actually, they don't know what it is. Their lives have no colour, unless you count black, grey and white as the colours that make up a colourful life. If you walk into this town, it is as if you have strolled right into a black and white film. There are no patterns, everything is plain. No one is happy here, no one smiles. No joy. No emotions. I guess that can be counted as a factor as to why numerous people are murdered in public, the murderer feels nothing and the town's people just don't care. People don't have friends, you would be lucky to feel even a smidgen of love towards a family member. Everyone's voice is monotone, no change in pitch or volume. The only eye or hair colour you see is a shade of grey or black. There are no gifts, no excitement, no advent calenders, no decorations, no carols, no hats and scarves, no mittens, no brightly coloured coats and boots, no merriment, and no smiles. No holiday's exist here, just days that seem to melt into each other. It could be Monday, it could Thursday, you never know. The Sun never seems to rise, there just seems to be permanent darkness. Fences keep everyone within the bleak town, no one is to leave.Except, one boy does. Phil Lester. Thirteen years old and tired of having such a boring existence. You see, Phil is different to everyone in this town. He doesn't have the emotional range of a speck of dust, he has so many emotions that he just doesn't know what to do with them. That's why you will find him curled up in the corner of his room, tears streaming down his face, when he has witnessed the murder of another human being. He has never been happy before though, only indifference, sadness and guilt. The evening before Christmas, the charcoal haired boy found a gap in the fence that kept everyone locked within the colourless town. Somewhere deep down inside him told him to go, and he did. Crawling through the gap, he began to walk. Where he was walking, he didn't know. Soon enough though, he reaches the town where Christmas is the only thing on everyone's mind. He stares around in awe, his mouth opening slightly and his eyes widening. As he spun around admiring everything, he bumped into someone. Turning to face whoever he walked into, he mutters a quick apology before looking at the person (who was around Phil's age, it seemed) as if they were an alien. He was...colourful. His coat was a bright red, matching the trainers on his feet. His fluffy hat is a mass of different shades of brown. His hair was the colour of chocolate, matching his eyes that seemed to sparkle on his tanned face. A smile was plastered on his face, something Phil had never seen before. That smile began to falter as Phil continued to stare at him."Can I help you?" The coffee coloured eyed boy asked."I don't know." Phil mumbled in reply, too busy staring at the place around him."Are you from the other side of town?" He questioned, tilting his head to one side slightly."Um...yeah.""Should have guessed, seeing as you look as if you just stepped out of a Charlie Chaplin film.""A film? What's that?""You honestly don't know what a film is? Gosh, does anything happen where you live?""No, not really. That's why I got out.""I see. Oh where are my manners, I didn't even introduce myself! My name is Dan!" The boy, Dan, said as he held out a hand for Phil to shake. Phil just stared at his hand. "You're supposed to shake it." Dan explained, but grabbed Phil's hand and shook it as the boy still seemed unsure about what to do."I'm Phil.""Alright then Phil, do you want to come back to my house? I can show you a film then.""Okay..." Phil answered uncertainly. Thus the pair began to walk down the street. People would stop and stare at Phil, pointing at mumbling things to their companions. This bugged Dan, but Phil didn't care. Besides, he was too busy staring at the town around him in amazement. The corner of Dan's mouth curved up into a smile. Watching Phil was like watching a child in a sweet shop."If you want, you can ask me any questions." Dan said."What's this?" Phil pointed to the number of lights that clung to the sides of houses, flashing blue, red, green and so many other colours."Those are Christmas lights, people hang them up when Christmas is coming up.""Christmas? What's that?" Phil's question caused Dan to stop in his tracks, and he swore his jaw hit the floor."You don't know what Christmas is? Bloody hell. Well, Christmas is the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on the twenty-fifth of December. Though it seems to have drifted away from that as the years have gone by. People put up decorations, exchange presents, eat Christmas dinner which consists of turkey and brussell sprouts, which are shit by the way. It's also a day to spend with family. Ooh, and Father Christmas! Whilst you're sleeping, he comes down your chimney and leaves you presents, though it depends whether you're on the nice list or the naughty list." Dan explained."That sounds really nice! I wish we celebrated holiday's. It seems I have been missing out.""Not to sound mean, but you have been. Especially with Father Christmas.""Such a shame...wait, what's this?" Phil asked, distracted by the large tree that sat in the middle of the town square. It had bright lights wrapped around it and an assortment of decorations hung from its branches. On the top, a glowing golden star sat proudly."That's a Christmas tree.""You decorate trees to celebrate Christmas?" Phil asked in disbelief."Basically, yeah.""I see...I must admit, it looks really pretty. This place is just amazing! There are people singing, smiling, laughing, playing in the snow. This looks like fun...Dan?""Yes Phil?""What's this...warmth I feel inside?" Phil looked at Dan with worried eyes. He had no idea what was going on, he had never felt anything like this before."Happiness maybe? Are you happy at the moment?""I don't know...I've never been happy before.""When you're happy, it's like...you're on top of the world. You just want to smile and jump around." Phil nodded slowly, taking it Dan's explanation of happiness. Does he want to smile? Deciding to give it a go, Phil tries smiling and boy does it feel great. Flashing a toothy grin at Dan, the other boy chuckles. He didn't want to admit it, but considering he had never smiled before Phil had the most dazzling smile that reached his colourless eyes."I've never felt this great before, and wow I have been missing out!""You sure have." Dan giggled, shoving his hands into his coat pockets as they had begun to go numb due to the cold winter air."I just...I can't believe my eyes, there's colour everywhere! I must be dreaming.""I can assure you that you are not dreaming. I bet this is a slight shock to the system.""A slight shock to the system? This is like a whole new world to me! There are hair colours, eye colours, different coloured clothes and surroundings, even different shades! I know about colours, but I don't know what they look like.""Really?!" Dan's voice went up in pitch, surprised that Phil didn't know what colours looked like. Sure, he came from the other side of town, but Dan was still genuinely surprised."Yeah." Looking embarrassed, Phil mumbled his reply as he stared at the ground."I can tell you what certain colours are, just ask.""Um...what colour is your coat?""Red, just like my shoes.""Ooh that's a nice colour, I like that. What colour is that girls hat?" Phil asked, pointing at a girl no older than eight who was skipping along the pavement with who the two boys assumed was her brother."Her hat is green.""Green...that's a good colour."After many questions of what colour is what (some of the answers being purple, blue, pink, orange and yellow) Phil turned towards Dan and stared into his eyes, tilting his head to the side slightly."What colour are your eyes and hair?""Brown.""I really like that colour, it seems so warm!""I'm flattered." Dan chuckled. "So, have you decided which colour is your favourite?""Brown." Phil looked Dan dead in the eyes as he answered without a moments hesitation."Any particular reason?""No, not really." Shrugging, Phil could feel his cheeks heat up slightly. His favourite colour was brown because it was the colour of Dan's eyes, but he wasn't going to tell him that. "I wish I had an eye colour." He sighed."Wait, look at me." Dan put a hand on Phil's shoulder and spun him around to face him. Dan focused on the other boy's eyes, which were no longer grey. This may really fucking cliche and cheesy, but it seems that the Christmas spirit and the drastic change in his surroundings caused Phil to gain some colour. "You have an eye colour now.""Really!?" Phil's eyes sparkled as he grinned, excited by the fact that he actually had an eye colour. He had another colour apart from black and grey. "What colour are they?""Pale blue.""Are they nice?""Stunning," Dan told Phil with a smile, which the other boy returned. "Absolutely stunning."

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