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WARNINGS : tell me idk lmao



"So get your dough nice and floury." Phil told the camera. He and Dan had been filming for about 20 minutes now, teaching the viewers how to make christmas cookies. Before Phil could give the next instruction, Dan ambushed him from behind, hitting Phil's bum with a rolling pin. This made Phil yelp slightly as Dan giggled.

"I thought you were gonna hit me over the head or something like a phsycopath!" the older boy said, smiling at his brown-haired boyfriend.
Dan walked slowly behind Phil, driving him crazy. "I did," he joked in a deep, seductive tone, "but the camera's rolling."
Phil resisted the temptation to grab his partner there and then, knowing his subscribers were waiting. He carried on with the instructions as if nothing had happened.
The younger boy followed suit and busied himself by watching Phil toss the ball of dough into the air repeatedly. He tried to ignore the impulses he got whenever the black-haired lad moved. He looked down briefly, only to double-take when he realised he was holding up the rolling pin rather innappropriately. He quickly put it down.
As they continued to work on the video, the boys grew more and more restless. Dan was persistant with the hints he dropped - swaying his hips back and forth as he rolled out the dough; dancing a little too close to Phil; and of course, 'accidentally' spilling flour on Phil's jeans.
As the video began to draw to an end, Phil became relieved, whilst Dan urged to get frisky. They assessed the cookies together, Dan scoffing one that was in the shape of a placenta. Phil shook his head and laughed, "you can eat that one."
Dan grinned and shoved the cookie into Phil's mouth with a smirk.
Phil struggled at first, soon relaxing upon seeing Dan's knowing look. Phil couldn't stay mad at him, and Dan knew it.
Finally, the video was finished. Phil wandered into their living room and slunked down on the sofa, not followed by Dan.
'What's taking that boy so long?' Phil wondered after 10 minutes had passed. As if on cue, Dan strolled in - covered in tinsel, Pikachu shoved down his top, llama hat on. He walked with catwalk style, circling his hips enticingly, daring Phil to come closer. He stopped just short of his lover, twirling the tinsel in his hand.
Phil couldn't help it, he reached out slowly.
Dan caught his hand mid-air and put it back on his lap. "No Phil, look, but don't touch. 'Cause tonight, Dan IS on fire. For you."
"But Dan-"
"Uh-uh, you do what I say."
"Or else?" Phil teased.
"Or else no sex for a week."
Phil opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again as he realised what Dan had said.
"That's a good boy." Dan smiled, flashing perfect pearly whites.
Dan set to work dancing around seductively, soon leaning in to kiss Phil, allowing him to kiss back. One thing led to another and by the early hours of the morning they were cuddled up in bed, Phil resting his head lovingly on Dan's chest.
"Oh. My. God. I fucking LOVE you Dan."
Dan shifted slightly to rest his head on Phil's. "I know. I love you too."
The pair were silent for a long moment, until they both whispered in sync, "I think we should tell the subscribers."
They laughed, and Phil added, "yeah, we totally should."

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