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  Warnings : Mild Rape, Swearing. Sorry, I wrote this really late.

Word Count : 539


"Will you just shut up for once?" Dan yelled at Phil who was lying smirking on the bed.

"Calm down, sweetheart." He said smugly, knowing it would annoy Dan.

"Oh my god, you're so ANNOYING!" He cried, gripping his hands in his
hair and pulling tightly. Phil swung his legs off the side of the bed
and squared up to Dan.

"Oh yeah? Well its not a walk in the park going out with you, either!"
Phil raised his voice slightly, scaring Dan. Phil never shouted.

"W-What?" Dan stammered.

"You heard me! You can be such a whiney bitch sometimes, Daniel." Phil
used Dan's full name, something else he rarely ever does. "Buy me
maltesers, Phil! Play Sonic with me, Phil! Do this, Phil, do that,
Phil," He mimicked Dan's voice an octave higher. "I'M FUCKING SICK OF
IT." He snarled, top lip curling in disgust. Dan growled and shoved Phil
down on to the bed. He quickly straddled Phil's hips and pinned his
wrists beside his head so he couldn't move.

"GET OFF ME!" Phil roared but Dan wouldn't budge. Instead he leaned down
and kissed Phil hard on the lips. He bit down on Phil's lower lip,
making him groan in pain. Dan pulled back.

"Get off me." Phil replied, his voice was slightly husky. Dan shook his head and leaned back down to kiss Phil's neck.

"Dan... Stop, get off... Dan..." Phil tried to push Dan off but he
stayed where he was. He moved lower and began to unbutton Phil's shirt.
Again, Phil attempted to stop him, but Dan only kept undoing the shirt.

"Stop it, Dan... I'm not... I don't want you to do this... I'm not...
Ready." Phil stuttered. He'd never actually gone the whole way with a
guy before and he definitely didn't want his first time to be in the
middle of an argument. Dan ignored Phil's pleads and quickly stripped
him out of his shirt. Phil squealed and slapped Dan's cheek.

"Stop!" He begged again. Dan growled and attacked his lips, silencing
the older man. He ran his hands down Phil's bare chest and undid his
zipper, pulling the skinny jeans off. Phil's screams were muffled by
Dan's lips as he desperately tried so wriggle out from underneath Dan.

"Dan, stop!" Phil cried, finally managing to prise Dan's lips off his. "You're going to rape me!"

Dan immediately stopped and leapt off Phil, rolling off the bed and
crumpling on the floor. Phil's chest was heaving, his eyes closed.

"D-Dan..." He stuttered after a long and awkward pause. Dan wasn't
moving, it was just the sound of his breathing that reassured Phil that
he was alive. He lay there, hurt, angry, upset but most of all confused.
Why would Dan do something like that? They had agreed to only go
further when Phil was ready... He wasn't sure whether he wanted to be
with Dan any more, not if he was going to be like this. Phil knew Dan
was ready, but he wasn't. And know that this had happened he wasn't sure
he wanted to go the whole way with Dan at all.

The 2 lay in silence, unsure what was going to happen next. Unsure why Dan did what he did. Unsure of anything.

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