Megan's Here!

801 28 5

  Warnings : Megan is a bitch.
Word Count : 1146

My stomach hurt from laughing so much. We'd been talking about boys, lazily slung over my blue and green bedsheets, when Megan had decided to start singing Friday for no reason. I love that girl.

Me and Megan had been best friends since dinosaurs walked the Earth. I told her everything, as did she with me. Megan was a beautiful girl, she had amazing blonde hair with a fringe (though desperately wanted to dye it red) and huge eyes that always got people's attention. We had everything in common, from music taste to bra size... (wait what?)

"Phiiiil!" Dan yelled from outside.
I looked over at Megan, who's eyes shot open and a smirk slid across her face. She was the only person that knew I was gay. Especially for Mr. Howell.

I had the hugest crush on Dan - Well, I say crush, but it's undoubtably love. The way his brown fringe just sweeps across that perfectly tanned, azn face of his... His twinkley brown eyes... that time when I surprised him when he walked out of the bathroom, towel dropping to the ground - I promise that, when I say his body was flawless, I mean it, my god.

"Yes, Dan?" I called back, pushing Megan off the bed as I did so.
"OWWW!!" She squeaked, sitting up and rubbing her head, "You do realise that men turn you into a giant ogre, Phil?"
I stiffled a giggle, throwing a large, blue cushion at her face. "Phil, can you help me with the cooking?"
I smiled, poking my tongue out of the side of my mouth. I was a good cook! I could make us a huge, romantic dinner- candle light dancing along our faces, shadowing off our cheeks, eyes glinting with small stars of light. I could serenade him, declare my love. The room would go quite for a minute, suddenly bursting into life as Dan would connect his lips to mine, screaming out how much he loves me--

"PHILLL!!" I made contact with the floor, screeching out loudly. "Phil, stop daydreaming and come help with dinner!" Dan laughed, helping me up. I tried to give him an evil look, but I felt myself blushing and looked down sharply.
"Can I help?" Megan inquired, moving off the floor herself.
"Sure! More the merrier and all that!" Dan smiled, leading us up to the kitchen.

I was chopping up some form of vegetable- not really paying attention. Dan kept leaning over the counter to help me with the odd thing, sometimes his fingers would brush against mine and I'd die a little inside. I would mess up every so often just so Daniel would stand behind me, explaining what to do, his soft breath tickling my neck.
"Megan, can you sort out the pasta?" Dan said, washing odd pieces of equipment in the sink.
"Sure.. One sec.." Megan glided over to me, holding my arm, "Phil!"
"What, Megan? I'm busy... with.. whatever this is" I laughed, realising I had no idea what I was chopping up.
"Phil! You've gotta do something, okay?" I looked into her eyes, seeing a begging look, "You have to do this."
"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.
"Tell Dan.." I understood. Megan saw it in my face. "Tell him, okay? Do something to show it, if you feel you can't say it... I just want my little Philly-dilly to be happy!" She giggled, pecking my lips for encouragement.
I rolled my eyes, "I'll try, asshole."
"Heyyy! I'm no asshole- I'm Megan!" sending a breeze through my hair, Megan span round quickly and shot over to prepare some pasta.

Okay- so my best friend wants me to be happy... I understand... but how will I do this?
I spaced out, thinking how this could work. A card? A letter? A video? A text? No. It had to be from the lion's mouth. I had to tell my sweet, beauty of a friend that I imagine him naked on a regular basis-- or that I love him. That'll work too.

Cough, cough. Whaa--
I awoke from my trail of thought to a Dan that was rolling his brown orbs, "Here. Lemme help.." I went to move out of the way, but Dan grabbed my waist and pulled me back. The slight connection of his fingers and my body made my tummy flutter. Dan then snaked his arms over mine, holding my hands, guiding them. "Here, chop the carrot like this.."
Oh. It was a carrot. How did I not recognise a bloomin carrot?
Wait- I'm focusing on a vegetable when Dan is touching me.
I suddenly became aware of his chest pressed against my back, the soft skin on his hands, the small hairs on his arms brushing along my skin...
I whimpered a little at the touch of Dan, even if it was for the sake of a chopped carrot.
"What was that..?" Dan froze, arms still placed against my own, his mouth inches from my ear. I could hear Megan trying to seem disinterested, singing lowly "A kiss and I will surrender... The sharpest lives are the deadliiesst to leeaddd...."
I coughed, "Oh.. Noth-INGGG" oh. Oh no. My voice cracked. Puberty at 25? Really Phil! I mentally slapped myself. I clamped my eyes shut, wanting to hide.
"Phil..." Dan said slowly. Oh no! He's gonna think I'm a freak. He's gonna hate me. HATE ME! I love him so much.. he can't! Please no--

Dan was good at cutting off thoughts.
I had been whipped around, hands moved onto Dan's waist. His own hands were on my face, pulling me up to him. His lips- his soft, warm lips- were pressed into mine, working slowly and calmly. Dan pulled back, face looking even more angelic than ever. I was lost, lost in a maze of confusion, my only thoughts being DAN, DAN, DAN.
The boy moved his lips down to my ear, whispering "I love you too"
"R-really...?" I squeaked, kissing him tenderly once more though not believing this miracle.
"Always." Dan smirked, realising how cheesey he sounded...
But wait...
"H-how did you know.. I liked you...?" I mumbled, looking into his perfect little eyes.
"...Megan told me, Phil.." He whispered, laughing a little, "And I kind of knew a bit.."
"Aww.. This is so faultless. The kiss, our love.. My god--- WAIT." I stopped, untangling myself and widening my eyes, "MEGAN!!!!!?"
"...What...?" she coughed, pretending she hadn't been listening.
"MEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I jokingly screamed at her.
"What? Ohhh you meant never tell Daniel HOWELL! I thought you meant Daniel Craig." she smiled stupidly, looking like a cute, innocent little puppy.
"Oh my god." I moved away from Dan and tackled Megan to the floor, receiving a high pitched laugh and a scream of "DAN, GET YOUR BOYFRIEND OFF OF MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

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