Your Eyes Are Unique.

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Ring, ring
The bell blared and Dan headed into school, past the loud wrangles and the rubble of papers and books. He fixed his light brown fringe to stay in front of his eyes, and to show off his new gauges.
What's the point? He thought to himself. Nobody pays you any attention, anyway. Stupid.
He did his combination and went to walk back down the hall when he bumped into someone. He looked up through his hair, blinking it out of his eyes.
"S-Sorry." The smaller boy said, barely audible. He had his hair like Dan's, but his was black, and longer. It looked frizzy and messed up, and his cheek was red like he had been hit.
After a long pause of Dan analyzing Phil's appearance, he closed his locker.
"It's ok." He said, smiling at Phil. Phil smiled shyly back, looking into Dan's dark brown eyes. Dan looked back. Phil's eyes were brilliant, electrical blue. They widened, the boy was obviously scared. He shuffled away, trying to walk past Dan. Before he could, Dan held his arm to keep him from leaving. "Hey..." Phil's quiet, wispy voice rang.
Dan looked into his eyes again, in awe. Dazed, he noticed he had been staring for about 15 seconds.
"W...What class are you going to?" He asked, trying to spit something out.
The short boy looked down, holding his books to his chest. Dan moved Phil's hair out of his eyes to get a better view.
"You have very unique eyes," He said. "Brilliant."
Phil simply looked up at Dan, blushing. Dan smiled and laughed under his breath.
"Thanks..." He looked back down.
"So...What class are you going to?" Dan repeated.
"Mr. Gardner...Science." He whispered, looking farther down.
Dan's eyes lit up. "Me to," He said gleefully. "I'm Dan."
"Phil." Phil smiled shyly. Dan was immediately hypnotized. his smile, even this small one, seemed to light up the whole school. Dan smiled back, making his dimples show. The bell rang to signal one more minute until class, and Dan seemed to just stand there. Phil's smile was bright. "Should class?" Phil asked quietly, starting to walk away. Dan seemed to come back to life, wake up. "Uh? Oh, yeah." Dan let go of Phil's arm. "Mr. Gardner's, hm? Phil nodded, moving his hair back in front of his eyes.
They stepped into the classroom, taking the table in the back.
"Do you want to be my lab partner, Phil?" Dan asked, setting his books down.
Phil gave another small nod, looking down. He looked back up, not moving his head, as he felt Dan's hand on his forehead. They pulled his fringe back out of his eyes.
"Why do you put your hair in front of your face, Phil?" Dan asked. "Your eyes are so brilliant."
Phil blushed and looked down. Dan put a hand on his knees and smiled so big that he had to close his eyes.
The bell rang, and everyone scurried to their seats like rats.
Phil felt Dan's hand immediately move onto the desk, and he was staring ahead like he had done something wrong. "Hello, class." Said the teacher, shutting the door. "I will be your science teacher, Mr Gardner." Phil put his head down on the desk, groaning. Dan looked at him, curious. "What's wrong?" He asked, lowering his head to Phil's face. "Is something wrong?" He restated. Phil looked at him through his hair.
"Nothing, I just don't like school." He said, once again voice all wispy like.
Dan laughed under his breath, smiling. Once again he moved Phil's hair out of his face. Phil smiled, putting his head up. He leaned back in his seat, sighing.
"Daniel Howell?" Mr. Gardner called out.
Dan raised his hand slowly, barely seen by the teacher. "Here."
Phil looked down at his lap.
"Howell, hmm?"
Phil got out his notebook, writing something down.
"What're you doing Phil?" Dan asked.
Phil looked up at him, smiling and closing his eyes.
"It's so I remember your name, I'm not good with names."
The bell rang to get out of school, and Dan stood up.
"See you tomorrow, Phil?" He said.
Phil nodded, and Dan left.
After looking around, the lonely boy drew a heart.
Daniel Howell.<3

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