Bathroom Smut.

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Word Count : 1417

Warnings : weak but beautiful smut


"YEAH. FINE. WHATEVER." I heard a voice yell. I cautiously looked over to the bathroom door to see a slender, pale man looking around my age. He had jet black hair and blue eyes that shone and shimmered with a cheeky attitude. He was angrily stuffing his phone into a worn, black Dunlop bag, invaded by badges and pins about Pokemon and other amazing animes.

He didn't look in a good mood, to be fair, but I didn't want to leave the bathroom. Outside there were people- cocky assholes that just taunted me because I was 'different'.
I had alot of friends, to be honest. Girls loved having me round. Guys thought I was a laugh... But that was until Alex let loose on our little secret.

I'd had a crush on Alex Day for months- his sarcasm and common ways just dragged me in against my will... So when me and Alex were sharing a bottle of Vodka at Charlie McDonnell's party, I just went for it..
"Hey, Alex?"
"Yeah, mate.." Alex slurred into my ear, his head slumped on my shoulder. I loved the pressure of him on me, even a little bit of him.
"I just.." I coughed, "Just go with me, please.."
"What'd'you me-" I interrupted him with my lips, begging for him to kiss me back. Pleasantly, he pushed back immediately, licking at my bottom lip as he did so. Our hands got lost in each other's hair, Alex tugging at mine urgently, wantingly---
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!?" Charlie screamed, dropping his beer onto the floor with a thundering *SMASH*, causing my drunken brain to go fuzzy.
"Ch-CHARLIE." Alex immediately pushed me away, tidied his soft hair and jumped up on his feet. His exceedingly loud jeans made the bulge in his pants seem much larger.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" Charlie yelled again, mainly at Alex.
"HE FORCED HIMSELF ON ME, BABE..!" Alex yelled back, sadness quilted inside it. I sat, confused, lost... I had started the kiss, but I'd never have went on if I knew Alex didn't want to..
Then I saw Alex connect his lips to Charlies. Charlie smiled into Alex's lips, then opened his mouth and started tonguing the strangely dressed lad. I felt horrible, seeing Charlie showing Alex off...
"So? Danny's gay now?" Charlie spat out, venom dripping off his words, "Can't just be the gorgeous boy that everyone likes? NO. Go shagging every lad in the town! Fuck you, Howell." Then he actually spat at me.
I watched as the spit dripped down my shirt, fell onto my jeans and then just stopped, too gloopy to move any more.
When they left, they told everyone.

I was sat on the marble counter, wedged inbetween two deep swoops that were used as sinks. The pale man who'd walked into the empty bathroom looked at me questioningly for a second, then sent a slanted grin over my way. I felt heat rush to my face, so I looked down at my phone and started playing Temple Run and playing My Chemical Romance on low.
The man stopped infront of the urinal and looked over at me, I could see it unclearly through my fringe. "Hey.." The man whispered. I pretended not to notice, still peeking through my brown fringe. "Hey?" he said a little louder, making it more obvious he wasn't talking to himself. I couldn't even pretend I thought he was talking to someone else- the bathroom was mind-achingly silent.
"...Yes..?" I slowly asked, raising my head and looking at him openly.
"Is that My Chemical Romance?"
My jaw dropped. He laughed, eyes twinkling and white teeth baring. "Yes! Yes, it is!" I said happily, pleased someone besides me had actually heard of them.
He seemed pleased aswell, winking and laughing out, "First person I've met who likes 'em!"
I was mesmerised by his stance - the way he moved as he laughed, how his legs were spread lazily apart... "Name's Phil by the way" he smiled at me, then turned around to face the bright white wall.
"Well, Hello Philip," I said, "I'm Dan"
A loud zip echoed through the quiet bathroom, followed by "Hello Daniel! Why're you in here all alone then?" then he whipped something out of his pants -- obviously his penis.
I suddenly realised that Phil was expecting to just talk to me as he pissed. Oh my god... But.. Oh no. I stared at the back of his trousers, trying to keep myself from looking at anything else.. What a nice, round little arse.. NO, DAN. STOP.
Phil shot his head around, sensing my eyes on him. I looked up into his eyes and saw a mischevious way about them. Shit, he realised! I coughed, then mumbled, "Oh, just wanted to have some peace.."
He turned his eyes back to his hands and penis, then started to pee a bit "Ahhh.." he sighed from the release, making my tummy tingle, "Um, well, why'd you want peace? Girl getting on your nerves?"
The silence just held the sound of pee, so I quickly replied, "No, girls--- No, I just wanted some quiet from my ffff-friends." I slurred the last bit, knowing I'd come alone just wanting to shop.. but then Charlie showed up, gold necklace and all, strutting down the path with his mindless gang and... well - I'd just flat-out run into the bathroom.
"Ah. Okay.." more peeing, "I'm here a bit like that too- my girlfriend broke up with me a week ago and I wanted to just get the fuck away."
I sighed, "Fucking people."
"Tell me about it.."
I edged over the damp sink to my right and shuffled closer to Phil. Also, as I got closer, I began to see the urinal and his 'little Philip'. Wow. Fucking wow.
Two coughs. I snapped my lusty eyes off of Phil's large dick and looked into his eyes. He didn't look awkward- more intrigued. "You keep- Well..." deciding against it, Phil shut his mouth. He'd finished peeing now - phew. Oh, wait. I forgot about that-- Phil started to shake his penis around, 'drying it off', as you do... Oh wow. I wish I'd not moved closer, because I just want to---
"Dan, put your phone away." I moved my eyes again (fuck! He was so tempting to examine!) and placed my phone in my pocket, "Good. Now." He let go of his dick, leaving it hanging in mid-air.. wait. Mid-air? He was turned on? whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat--
Phil ran over to the large, grey bathroom door, hurriedly grabbed a large broom and rammed it into the door handle- a make-shift lock. "What're you do-doing, Phil..?" I asked, still staring.
"I'm sorry. You just kept fucking looking at me, kid. You had to didn't you? Fucking hell.." he sounded pained, slightly annoyed with himself. Suddenly he gulped and stared at me, "How.. old are you...?"
"...I'm 16..." I mumbled.
"What was that..?" he asked again, a little worried.
"16." I said clearly.
His eyes grew wide, "Shit. Shit. Shit! You're underage too! Fucking hell, I'm gonna sound a right paedophile! Urgh!!"
"Why.. how old are you..?"
"I'm 21, Dan." Shit. That's 5 years difference... And I am underage. If somebody did walk in, Phil'd look like a right creep! Oh my god.
"Oh fuck. I--I..." I stuttered, suddenly feeling less confident.
"..Don't worry... But.. You're legal." Phil was getting in a tizzy, boner still sticking through his zip.
L-legal..? Does he mean..?
"What do you mean by.. legal...?" I whispered, still staring down at his pants and the lovely accessory hanging from the opening.
"Dan.. I'm not going outside with this. And you made it- you're gonna get rid of it." Phil said, eyes still looking cheeky and mischevious. Now a bit of adventure and lust was mixed in, as the pupils grew.
"You mean- you want to have s--" I started, bitting my lip halfway though, "Sex?"
"......Why'd you sound so worried..?"
"Well.. I've never done... I've never shagged anyone before.."
Phil seemed to perk up at this, even though I thought he'd hate himself even more. "Virgin ay?" I nodded, "This should be good.." he growled a little, grabbed my arm - dick still out in the cold of the bathroom - and pulled me into a cubicle.
Arms aggresively pushing against the cubicle walls, body leaning forward. Curving over me, he kissed my forehead. Then, moving his lips down to my ear, he seductively purred, "Just let me show you how to do this, fresh meat.."

*VYou Question - Have you ever had sex in a public place?"

I smirked at the thought.

"Yes." I said, clicking FINISH as soon as I let the one-syllable word escape.

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