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Before I start I wanna dedicate this to WhyHiMyNameIsTrash as they comment on my one shots all the time, Thank You! :3

Warnings : idk 

Word Count : 2038

"Hey Dan," Phil said, his face popping around the corner of Dan's bedroom door, "Wanna go iceskating? Chris and PJ were going to go and asked us along." Dan looked up from his computer at Phil's expectant face, then looked down at the comfy clothes he's just gotten into.

"I...em...I-" don't think so, Dan started to say, but he saw Phil's mouth twitch up in a little smile as he did an impatient shifting-feet dance.

"Plllleeeaaaaasssssee." Phil begged, his mouth turning up in a pout.

Dan sighed, "I mean, that sounds like fun, but I'd have to get dressed and everything."

Phil pouted a bit more and said in a faux sad voice, "But I really wanted to go..."

Dan grimaced. He was really comfortable. But, Phil was his friend, and I guess they never really did get out of the house. He'd go, but he wasn't promising any ice skating. He'd let Phil and Chris and PJ do that. Maybe there'd be a comfy place to sit there. Rolling his eyes he reluctantly replied, "Alright, fine...let me just get dressed and then we can go."

Phil's eyes lit up and his face lightened with a huge grin. "Best flatmate ever!" he teased Dan.

Phil happily left Dan's room, and Dan couldn't help but give a little twitch of a smile. He groaned as he slowly pulled himself into an upright position and rolled out of bed onto the floor. After lying on the carpet for a bit he heard Phil yell, "C'mon Dan! I want to have lots of time to skate!"

Dan pushed himself up and walked to his closet and picked out some jeans, a tee-shirt and a jumper. He ran his hands through his hair and yawned, then put on his clothes. Finally he looked suitable for public, and after pulling on some boots he walked out to the living room where Phil was sitting on the couch, waiting.

The black-haired male looked up at Dan as he entered the room and waved his arms excitedly. He looks like a red panda, Dan thought, Or a squirrel. They left their apartment and went to catch the tube so they could get to the icepark.

When they arrived, they saw that there weren't too many people there. Dan scoured the small crowd for Chris and PJ, but couldn't seem to find them anywhere. He looked over to Phil, who seemed just as confused, and asked, "Where are Chris and PJ? This is the right place, isn't it?"

"Yeah, definitely," Phil said, bewildered, "I dunno, maybe they're late?"
Dan shrugged in response. All of a sudden he saw an empty bench near the frozen pond. No squishy bed, but better than standing. "Hey, Phil, maybe we can sit over there while we wait for them," Dan suggested hopefully.

"But I want to skate," Phil whined, "They should show up eventually."

Dan rubbed his face wearily before saying, "Eh, you go ahead Phil. I'll wait for Chris and PJ and I'll let you know when they get here."

Phil's face twisted up in a hesitant pout before saying in resignation, "Alright, fine. But you're missing out Dan!"

Dan pretended to look sad at his "sacrifice" as Phil ran to the booth to rent some skates. He walked over to the bench and sat down, a smirk of victory creeping across his face. He leaned back as he watched Phil pull on his skates then clumsily walk towards the rink. His friend stumbled a bit and as a reflex started to stand up, but seeing Phil regain his balance, he sunk back into the cold bench again.

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