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Warnings : dunno

Word Count : 371


You're the only thing that's got me drawing those stupid hearts on my paper. But you don't know who they're for. You think they're for a girl,

but they're for you.
And this is NOT a diary. It's a freaking JOURNAL, Dan.
Of course, you're never going to read this.
I hope.

I stare at the page, thinking about what I just wrote.
"Phil!" Oh God, what now?
"Can you come help me in the lounge a sec? Be careful, I'm behind the door."
I sighed and walked down the hall. He probably broke something again. Either of us getting through the day without breaking something or offending someone was a miracle.
Of course, I'm as guilty as he is.
"What do you need help with?"
From behind me, a voice said "Hello!"
I jumped. Who wouldn't?
I turned around, and saw Edward Cullen.
I jumped again.
"Dan! That was like a double scare!" He couldn't stop laughing hard enough to reply. He turned and talked toward the wall. That was when I noticed the camera.
After he turned it off, I looked at him. "Really?"
"Oh, have a sense of humor, Phil."
"Isn't that what you said when I got 'floured'? Flour in the lungs is dangerous, you know!"
He rolled his eyes and walked away.

The thing is, I don't want to love him. That's why it's stupid. But I don't really have a choice, do I? Of course, I know he doesn't feel the same way.

I did feel a bit guilty after scaring him, but I do that all the time. He seemed a bit different this time, though. A little less giggly. He's been keeping to himself lately. I got up to pee one night and I swear I heard writing coming from his room. I think he has a crush on some girl he saw somewhere. I saw hearts drawn on one of the tax bills. The tax bills. Did I mention they were the FREAKING TAX BILLS?????????? Phil's been weird lately. He's had crushes on girls since I've known him. None are like this.
I swear I saw a diary peeking out from under his mattress.


Once again, may I mention that this is NOT a diary!
Oh, who am I kidding? No one's ever going to READ this thing!

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