Opening 7 - Wind and Waves Satellite by Snowkel

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I don't care what anyone has to say... but this opening here was great in my opinion.

Yes, I know the opening for this was all filler episodes, but come on. We get to see the other characters shine. This opening is also one of the reasons why I never skipped the fillers of the first series either, because I wanted to focus on characters like Shino and Rock Lee instead of Sasuke.

The filler episodes were actually cool and entertaining. In my opinion, it's nice to just see Naruto build relationships with the other genin. My personal favorite is when Naruto went on missions with Hinata and Kiba, lol.

It's crazy because in the fillers, TenTen gets so much screentime. That's how you know the animators care for her.

This opening is basically Naruto forgetting about Sasuke and thinking of the friends he has remaining. Just look at the part where they're all stargazing and Naruto's holding Sasuke's headband.

That ending though.. it proves my point exactly because they're all giving Naruto (and Sakura, I guess.) company.

Also, the piano in the song just gives off that nostalgic 2000s vibe.

Overall ranking, 7.5/10.

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