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The sound of tires screeching was heard as Five stopped the car in front of the Academy.

"Come on! Let's go" Five said as you all got out of the car "I don't think she's breathing" Luther said as he was carrying Allison "If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die" Klaus said as you all rushed into the Academy.

"Kid you need to stay outside" Five told you as the others rushed Allison into the infirmary room of the Academy.

"No, I wanna stay" you said "Y/n/n, no time to argue, just stay outside, you're too young to see this" Five said before he walked into the infirmary room, closing the door behind him. 


Five was pressing his hands on Allison's throat "She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood" Grace said "I will" the siblings all said, they were all ready to give their blood to save their sister.

Luther pulled up his sleeve "I'm doing it" he said "I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine" Pogo said.

"Hey, don't sweat it. I--I got this, big guy" Klaus said before he ran around Luther to stand next to Grace and he put out his arm "I--love needles" he said, trapping on his arm.

"Master Klaus. Your blood is...How shall I say this? Too polluted" Pogo said.

"Move" Diego said and walked over to Grace "Yeah, go on" Luther said.

"I'll do it" Diego said and Grace pulled up the needle but as soon as Diego saw it, he made a whimpers noise before he fainted.

Pogo let out a small smile before he looked at Grace "Stick him" he said.


While they fix Allison you were sitting outside the room waiting. You felt a bit useless, maybe you should go find Harold by yourself or find Vanya.

Yeah, maybe you should go fine Vanya, yeah, you were going to do that, then you would be brave just like Five.

You grab a piece of paper and a pen before writing a note to Five.


"We need to find Harold" Diego said as him, Klaus and Five walked out of the infirmary "Agree" Five nodded before he turned but only to see you were not there.

"Kiddo!" he called out but you didn't answer "Y/N!" he began blinking all around the Academy looking for you but nothing.

He kept calling out your name while looking in every room but nothing.

"I can't find her" Five walked back to Klaus and Diego to see that they were looking down at a piece of paper.

"What?" Five asked and they handed him the paper.

JUST A KID (Five H X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now