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When Five woke up he saw Luther sitting in front of him on a chair.

"Good, you're awake" Luther said and Five scanned the room.

"Where is Y/n?" he looked worried.

"Don't worry, she is here. She's sleeping behind you" Luther pointed behind Five and he turned before he breath out in the relief when he saw you asleep on the bed peacefully.  

"Thank God" he said before he stroke his hand down the side of your head.

Five smiled as he stared at you. He didn't know what he will do if he ever lost you, you mean too much to him. He will lose his mind if you died.

You kept him going in the apocalypse. Gave him a reason to smile, to get up and to fight everyday. He might not be your father but he is your dad.

Luther couldn't believe that Five was so sweet and caring towards you. You must really mean a lot to Five and he must really care a lot about you.   

"She wasn't any trouble was she?" he asked "No, she was fast asleep when we found you both and she haven't waking up" Luther said "That's good. She is not good around other people. She have spend her life in the apocalypse, so. I am all she has, her parents took care of me, therefore I'm returning the favor by taking care of their daughter as she is my own" Five said "So you love her?" Luther asked "Of course I do. She became like a daughter to me, so I love her like a daughter. She mean everything to me and therefore I will protect her with my life" Five said as he looked at you.

"She became my light, my hope and she gave me the strength to fight and to keep hoping. She gave me a reason to smile, wake up everyday, and to fight, no matter how bad my mood was, she could always made me smile, she could always made my day better" he said before he turned to look at Luther.

"So" Luther said, cleaning his throat "When's it supposed to happen? This...apocalypse?" he asked "I can't give you the exact hour, but...from what I could gather, we have four days left" Five said "Why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther asked out loud.

"Shh, you will wake her. Be quiet? You're gonna wake her up. Beside it wouldn't have mattered" Five said "Of course it would. We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing" Luther said out again a little louder which woke you up and you opened your eyes.

You let out a yawn as you sat up "See Luther, now you woke her. Idiot" Five hissed at Luther before he looked at you "What is going on?" you asked "Nothing, just go back to sleep, everything is okay" he said and you nodded as you lay back down before you closed your eyes again.

"Of course it would have mattered . We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing" Luther said "For the record, you already tried" Five said "What do you mean?" Luther asked and Five looked down for a moment before taking a deep breath.

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