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"Are you kidding me?" The Handler asked as she put her hands on the edge of her desk "You said I could hire my own team" Lila said "Yes, but I didn't mean him, for God's sake. If you don't see the problem with hiring you-know-who's brother, then you're not ready for that badge" The Handler pointed at Lila.

"I'm sorry, but I really need to get going" Diego said "Shut up!" both Lila and The Handler said out loudly.

"I can't do this job if you don't trust my instincts" Lila said "Sweetheart, your vagina needs glasses. He's not worth it" The Handler said "Mum! Oh my God" Lila said before she took a deep breath "This may shock you, but not everyone here likes you" she said "Sounds ridiculous, but go on" The Handler said "You need fresh blood loyal to us and not the old regime. I've seen Diego in the field. He is so much better trained than most of the assholes here. Why waste that when we can use it? He'll be my personal responsibility" Lila said.

"You know, your brother Five and I...we have quite...a colorful history" The Handler said "My brother has beef with everybody except Y/n, me included" Diego said.

"How it is going with little Y/n?" The Handler asked "Why do you care?" Diego said which cause The Handler to smile. 

"Let me ask you something" she grabbed her lighter before lighting it "When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, where do your loyalties lie, with your family or your principles?" she asked "With me" Diego said causing The Handler to raise an eyebrow "I don't belong to anybody" he said before he turned to Lila "Especially Lila" he said.

"That I can work with. Rum him through orientation, fill out his start paperwork" The Handler said causing Lila to smile "But...if he ruffles even one feather, you will kill him yourself. Understood?" The Handler said "Thanks. Mum" Lila said.


Luther was asleep on the couch when he woke up to the sound of a fridge opened and soft rattling was heard.

"Five?" Luther asked and he let out a softly grunt as he got up from the couch.

"Shit" Luther said as he walked towards the kitchen.

Luther saw Five without his blazer on standing over by the fridge both drinking a large bottle of water each while you were looking confused at Five.

Five were pouring down the water, like he was in a hurry.

"Five, what...You okay?" Luther asked as he furrowed his brows in confusion and Five glanced him while slurping.

"Y/n, what is wrong with Five?" Luther looked down at the little girl "I don't know" you replied "You must know something" Luther said "I'm six, I don't know much" you said.

 Five look aggressive, stress and he looked like he haven't slept all night.

When he had finished the water, he remove the bottle from his mouth and let out a heavily gasping as he lower the bottle "I'm gonna need to be hydrated" he said with a sigh as he put the bottle back in the fridge.

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