IV | beautiful lies

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"Till your treason won't hurt anymore"

"Who are you?" I asked as soon as we sat down. I was bursting with curiosity and my head felt like it was about to explode. Meanwhile, the black-haired seemed to be getting entirely different vibes. They almost seemed to be enjoying this conversation and were too relaxed for my liking. "I am Loki Odinson, King of Asgard." My eyebrows shot up. Admittedly, that was rather unexpected. I had anticipated to have encountered a count or duke or something similar, but the king... I was about to make a disdainful comment about colonialism or oppression, but I remembered in time that I was on another planet where the death penalty was perhaps less frowned upon than it was on Earth.

I cleared my throat. "Well then, Your Majesty... Without... wanting to seem disrespectful... I'm fairly sure you were a woman when you picked me up." They smiled softly. "I am a deity. I can change my shape and therefore my sex and gender as I please." I nodded thoughtfully. "Is that really what interests you most?" It wasn't, but it was the one where I expected the most uncomplicated answer. And I was at least not wrong. We have shapeshifters on Earth too, I had simply never considered that this was an option as well.

"What am I doing here? You certainly didn't come all the way to Earth to kidnap an insignificant human woman." "That's right. Although I wouldn't say you're insignificant - not anymore, anyway. I originally came to Earth to keep my brother in check. He was banished to your planet and is now causing some trouble there. The hammer your organization found once belonged to him. When our father exiled him, he put a ban on the hammer you people found. Whoever holds this hammer, if they are worthy of it, they should have the power of its God. That's why no one else has been able to lift it. They were all not worthy. You, on the other hand, are. It is your destiny to be here and protect the nine realms from his vengeance."

I stared at him, speechless. "Alright, hold on! Let's start from the top. So you are telling me that I've become a goddess and now I'm supposed to fight your brother - a vengeful, supernatural being - who wants to destroy the universe?" I asked after a while of stunned silence. He couldn't be serious. I had already defeated one or two powerful opponents in battle, but a god was something completely different. And it was never a good idea to interfere in family matters. Especially not when it came to differences between siblings - I could tell you a thing or two about that myself.

"You are not a goddess. Just a human with special abilities, as far as I know. Such a thing has never occurred in the history of the nine realms," he explained thoughtfully, "but you are probably the only one who can stop him. He may have been robbed of his powers, but his anger is greater than ever and we must act before he finds a way to get them back, otherwise it will mean destruction for many worlds. Not just yours." I nodded. His arguments sounded quite plausible and protecting the world was my job anyway, but it was still a suicide mission.

"I still have no idea what these powers look like, let alone how to deal with them. Is there at least someone here who can train me?" I questioned next. I could fight, that wasn't the problem, but if I were to go up against a god - which I still wasn't convinced to be a good idea - I would need every tool I could get.

"Thor is - or rather, was - the god of thunder." Something clicked. Asgard; the world of the gods. I had thought it was a bad joke or a coincidence, but now...

Loki; the god of lies and tricks in Norse mythology.

Thor; god of thunder.

Then there were Odin, the Allfather and God of wisdom, brother of Loki; Frigg, queen, responsible for marriage.

And the man on the bridge must have been Heimdall, the guardian who sees everything.

If Loki and the others were even similar to the way they were described in the folklore, I had to be careful. If I remembered correctly, it was he who brought about Ragnarok, the end of all worlds. However, Thor was no less dangerous and much more brutal, while Loki was more devious. One would punch you in the face, while the other would stab you in the back.

I tried not to let my mistrust show and simply nodded. My mental breakdown would have to wait until I was by myself. The most important thing now was adaptation and politeness.

"I will be the one training you," he continued, "we should get started as easily as possible. Come in tomorrow morning. You will learn the essentials about life here from your personal maid, whom I will put at your disposal. She is very diligent and will answer the rest of your questions. It will be most reasonable to get some rest. You'll need all your concentration for the fight" A maid?! I felt like I'd ended up in the Middle Ages! Adaptation and politeness...

"If you'll excuse me then..." Without waiting for an answer, he stood and left me alone.

How had I ended up here?!

I needed to keep a cool head. I'd gotten out of worse situations. After all, no one in all of Asgard had tried to kill me or brainwash me so far. And I had a few more answers than before, although I also had more questions.

Nevertheless, I was more or less trapped. Getting away from here would be hardly possible, and besides: if what Loki said was true and I remembered the stories correctly, we would all have a serious problem if I failed.

Completely lost in thought, I didn't notice the door in one corner of the room opening and a young woman entering. Only when she politely cleared her throat did I turn around, ready to attack, and break every bone in the person behind me - an occupational hazard that I would never truly get rid of. However, before I had finished turning around, I was blinded by a bright light and had to stop to shield my eyes.

"You must be the guest from Midgard then," smiled the young woman in front of me as I turned to her. "What was that just now?" I asked uncertainly as my brain registered that she was presumably the maid and at the moment posed no direct threat. Her smile faded a little. "I'm not sure. It looked like lightning. Which would make sense." She seemed more curious than scared.

"If I could show you your room then-" I nodded, lost in thought, and followed her down a few corridors.

"Forgive me, but I think you might be able to answer some of my questions," I said after a while of silence. I hated having to be so pukingly polite all the time, but I did my best anyway. "As far as I can." I tried to sort the information in my head. There were three categories.

1. The myths and information about the people involved

2. My powers and role in the bigger picture

3. Common local culture and ways to make myself popular and stay alive.

"What's your name?" I began. "Jill. Jill Leevidotir." "The -dotir means you're Leevi's daughter, right?" "Correct. Just like the princes are both called Odinson because they're Odin's sons." I nodded in understanding. "Right... about that... We on... Midgard have tales about you. About the Aesir and the gods and the Nine Realms and all that. But in those legends, it says that Loki is Odin's blood brother and actually a giant." Jill sighed. "Yes, we sometimes have that problem with guests. There is just too much that gets distorted over time or through languages. You humans in particular often tend to make up things that never happened that way."

That was true. But it also meant that I couldn't believe anything I thought I knew. "But is he the god of lies?" Jill nodded. "Among other things. His areas of expertise include mischief, meaning schemes and jokes; trickery and deception, which also include lies." "So not someone you want to make a deal with," I muttered under my breath.

Perhaps I had underestimated what I had gotten myself into.

Jill smiled at me almost apologetically and a little later stopped in front of a wide door, which she swung open.

The space that stretched out in front of me was bigger than any apartment I had ever paid for myself. "And this is supposed to be my room?" Of course, I had already noticed that everything here was more significant than on Earth, but this was... gigantic. After a while, during which I had looked around the room more or less thoroughly, I realized that there had to be a purpose to it all. Someone really wanted me on their side and I did not like that thought.

Power of Gods | Loki FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now