XII| ready for this

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"That's a little violent, can we tone it down?"

"Why should I put myself in such danger when I can just send one of the pawns?"

I hated him. And I had been right not to trust him. Loki was a cowardly traitor who cared about nothing but his throne and his own life. "Now if you'll excuse me; I have to destroy Jothunheim." I was hit by a sudden force and immediately thrown through the wall. I felt the resistance on my back only briefly, but all the more painfully, before it gave way and I fell.

Someone had to stop Loki. And apparently that someone had to be me or Thor. Speaking of which...

I was still descending, much too fast and much too deep for my own liking. I felt an arm wrap around me, pressing me against a warm body. The fall ended abruptly and I was pulled in a different direction, going against gravity. My eyes opened in shock and immediately closed again as sickness overcame me. We were way too high. In those few seconds, I hadn't realized how we were staying here and not just dropping, but it couldn't possibly be safe enough. I clung to Thor and squeezed my eyes.

It was different than a simple jump with a parachute; I had to trust Thor not to let me slip or do anything else to me. So I held on to him as best I could and only opened my eyes again when I felt solid ground beneath my feet.

I slowly took a step back from him and gave my body a few seconds before I stood upright and looked around. I still felt sick and everything around me seemed to be spinning.

Thor pushed me surprisingly gently to the ground, where I just sat for a while. He also said something, probably encouraging, but I could barely understand him over the ringing in my ears.

After a while, I had collected myself enough to notice how embarrassing this was. If Loki came around the corner right now and saw me like this-

I immediately stood up and looked around carefully. We were standing in the middle of the rainbow bridge. "Why are we resting here? We have to stop Loki?!" I reminded him, whereupon he nodded relaxedly. "He said he wanted to destroy Jotunheim. To do that, he has to go to the Bifröst - no matter how he wants to do it. We'll ambush him and stop him. Easier than going back... Unless you want to fly again," he teased, whereupon I gave him a warning look. "Not a word about this to anyone ever!" I growled, straightening my hair, which had become disheveled from the fall.

Thor just smiled and stood on the bridge, hands clasped behind his back, waiting. "Why were you banished?" I asked after a while, still looking at the horizon, waiting for Loki. If we were already here, we might as well use the time.

Thor looked at me for a moment as if he was considering something, even if I wasn't quite sure what it was. "Loki lured me into a trap. He convinced me to go to Jothunheim, despite our father's prohibition. I won't say it's all his fault, but he used my anger to make me go against the Allfather's direct orders, so I was banished. And on Midgard, I learned what it means to forgive and repent." I turned to him, studying him closely.

"I believe you."

My eyes left him, shooting forward again when I caught movement... Loki was riding towards us on a brown horse. Thor and I gave each other a brief nod, before walking towards him. For a moment, I thought he would actually run us over, but he stopped a few meters away.

"Loki, end this madness!" Thor shouted towards him. But he just laughed, got off the horse, which immediately rode back, and shook his head. "But it hasn't even started yet." I took a step forward. "No matter what they did to you, why you want to take revenge on them, killing them is not a solution. I tried that once and failed. You won't feel any better afterward. Please, Loki, let us help you." Oh yes, I had tried. I had wanted to blow up the entire Red Room and all its members for everything they had done to me, but some of them had survived. Some always survived.

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