Chapter 7

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Rainbow's POV :

"So she said that it was okay and that she wants to meet you".

I had just told my uncle about Applejack wanting to meet up in the park after school. I was a bit nervous about his answer. What if he didn't like Applejack or didn't want to meet her??.


Wait what??. I look up at him, my eyes wide. Did he really just say okay??.


He nodded. Uncle Strike smiled. "I think I would like to meet the girl that keeps you out of trouble".

I smile. "Wow. I thought you were gunna say no or not like Applejack if you met her", I said surprised.

Uncle Strike grinned. "C'mon or you'll be late for school".

I smile and grabbed my bag. Putting my bowl in the sink I walk over to the door. Swinging it open I look back at him.

"I think you'll like her", I say smiling.

Uncle Strike smiled. "I think so too RD".
The bell rung. I felt a hand on my shoulder when I jumped, dropping my pencil. I look over at Applejack. I could feel myself heat up in the face.

I put my stuff away and get up. We walk over to Mr.Smart. Well Applejack walked over to him with me at a distance away. He smiled at us. Applejack handed in our worksheets and we left.

I stay quiet as we walked to our lockers. Applejack turned to me.

"Hey I gotta go ta the bathroom. Will you be okay waiting??".

I nod. She turned and left. I walk over to my locker and open it. I take all my books I needed to take with me.

Suddenly, my locker was slammed shut making me jump and flinch at the same time.

I turn around and froze. Not again.

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