Chapter 19

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Final chapter!! Ahhh! lol well I hope you enjoyed this book.and thanks so much for reading this. Either today or tomorrow I will start the new story Keep on skating and I'll let you guys know when it's up :)

Just like the doctor had said, Rainbow was in the hospital for a few weeks. Her ribs had healed and she was discharged.

Applejack and Rainbow announced their relationship to the others at school. They flipped.

"Awww I knew it!!", Pinkie yelld.

Rainbow flinched at the volume. Rarity hit Pinkie on the arm and gave her a look.

Pinkie giggled. "Oops. Sorry Dashie".

"We knew you would end up together", Rarity said smiling.

Applejack and Rainbow blushed. The girls giggled at them.

"It's so cute. Oh yeah. How do you feel Rainbow??", Twilight said.

Rainbow smiled. "I'm doing good. Still can't sleep with the lights off".

Applejack wrapped an arm around her waist.

"That's why ya have me", she said.

Rainbow smiled at her. Applejack looked at her other injuries.

"Can't wait fir those ta heal".

Rainbow sighed. "Me neither. I hate these things. But you take care of me so it's worth it".

"Come on ya bugger. Let's get ta class".

The girls went into the classroom. The bell hasn't rang yet so they had time. Rainbow smiled when she saw Ms.Cheerliee at her desk.

"Hey", she called.

Ms.Cheerliee looked up. She gasped and stood up. She walked up to the girls.

"When I heard what happened, I knew it was bad. But I didn't think you would come back like this", she said.

"If you need to leave for anything, just tell me".

Rainbow smiled. "Thank you. It's great to be back".

Ms.Cheerliee smiled. "Just take it easy for today. We're just gunna watch a movie since it's hot out and I bet noone wants to do work today anyway".

The girls say down in the back. The rest of the class came in. Rainbow noticed something right away. Dumbbell wasn't there and neither were his friends.

"They got expelled", Applejack said. "Fir cursin' ah teacher out and then causin ah fight in the hall".

I smiled. "Thank god he's gone".
Rainbow's POV

I sighed and smiled. I was finally all healed. That was good so now I could run around with my friends.

The girls, my Uncle and I were all at the park.

For some reason my dad popped into my head. He had been shipped out of the country to another country far far away. I remember the court day so clearly.
Me and the girls walked into room. The judge was there. It was a woman which gave me some relief. I look at Applejack and bite my lip.

She took my hand.

"It's okay. We're right here".

I nod and look back. I gasped.

My dad sat there, chained up. Oh my god. I felt myself freeze up. Applejack had to pick me up and carry me up to the wooden poll desk thing.

I couldn't get my eyes off of him. I was out down. Applejack shook me gently.

"Rainbow, baby. Please look at me", she whispered.

I tore my eyes away and looked into her green eyes. My heart was going a mile a minute.

"He's here".

Applejack took my hand.

"He can't get cha. Ah promise you he can't hurt you here. Just breathe baby. Breathe".

I take deep breaths, keeping my eyes on Applejack. I felt myself calm down. I nod.

"Okay. Let's get this over with".

She smiled. I look at the judge. She smiled at me. She pointed at my dad.

"Is this the man that hurt you all these years??", she asked.

"Yeah. That's him".

I felt tears rising up as I looked back at my dad.

"Any last words to him before you never see him again??", the judge asked.

I nod. I look at my dad.

"I know there's something you haven't told me", I say trying to stay calm. "What happened to her??. Where is she??".

My dad smirked. I looked away.

"Where's who??", he asked.

"Where's mom??".

The room was quiet. I look back at him. Applejack held my hand.

"She died years ago".

I felt my breathing stop. Tears pricked my eyes. I knew he wasn't lying. I turn around, unable to look at him any longer. Tears ran down my face. I look up at Applejack. She looked up at the judge and nodded. I sniffle.

"Get him out of here", she said.

I look at the judge. She nodded. I could hear footsteps leaving the room. I turn around. He was gone. I bursted into tears. I sank to my knees. Applejack kneeled down. I clung onto her and cried. He was finally got. Words couldn't explain how I felt. He was out of my life forever and I would never see him again.

Finally I stopped crying and we got up. Applejack wiped a tear away. I sniffle and smile at her.


I turned and look at the judge. She got out of her chair thing and walked over to us. Me and Applejack got out the stand thing.

The judge stop in front of us. She placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinch a little.

"I want you to know that what you did was very brave. Not many can do what you did. I'm so sorry for about your mother.

I smiled. "Thank you".

"He can't hurt you anymore".

I let out a laugh. "I know".

She smiled and walked away. I look at my friends. They came up to me and hugged me.


Uncle Strike walked over to me. I ran up to him and hug him.

"I'm so proud of you".

A tear ran down my face. He smiled down at me and wiped it away.

"That's my brave soldier girl".

I let out a breath. I prepared myself for this. It had to be done sooner or later. I thought it was about time. What can I say??. I trusted them enough for a trust fall.

"Ready??", Applejack asked.

I look back at the girls. I nod and look foward.

"Ready", I said smiling.

"You trust us right??", Twilight asked.

I giggle. "Yeah. I do and you know that".

"Ready. Set. Go".

I let myself go and fall back. I felt five pairs of hands catch me. I look up at the sky and smile.

I came to realize that life is like a trust fall. There will be times when you fall back and noone is there to catch you. But you get back up and find someone who will. It's hard but one day you will find the right people who will.

As for these guys behind me??. My friends??. They caught me.

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