Chapter 18

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No one's POV :

Rainbow was rushed to the hospital. At some point she went unconscious and didn't wake up. The girls were extremely worried. Especially Applejack.

They arrived at the hospital. Rainbow was rushed inside by the paramedics. The girls had to wait in a room. All they knew was that Rainbow was being rushed to ICU. That was bad.

"How long do you think it'll take??", Pinkie sighed boredly.

The girls had been waiting for hours. They had left to eat at a 24 hour Wendy's, since it was 3 in the morning. It was around 7 am now. The girls were tired but refused to sleep. They had to see Rainbow Dash first.

"Ah don't know Pinkie bu-".

Suddenly the door was opened. A doctor walked in.

"Hello. I'm doctor Hearth", he said.

"How is she??", Twilight asked.

"Rainbow has a broken rib, she has severe bruising, and a few cuts on her face and legs. Probably from being thrown around. She also has a concussion and strained muscle in her arm".

The girls were silent and let it sink in.

"She'll have to be here for a while. Just until her ribs healed. We had to do surgery to put it back in place. It should take a while to heal. She's a strong girl".

He smiled kindly. "I'm positive she'll be fine. She just needs you girls to keep her mind occupied and rest and some therapy. But I can tell that with all the love you give her you girls are all she needs to stay intact and sane. If you wanna see her, follow me".

The girls got up. They followed him out of the room and down the hall. They went into the ICU area. Every room had someone in horrible condition. In comas or in body casts. One person had their face messed up with scrapes. It was scary for the girls. They could only hope Rainbow wasn't that hurt. Or at least didn't look that bad.

They came to a room.

"There you go. Last I left her, she was watching tv. Tomorrow if we think she can, we'll move her to the E.R. A female doctor will be here shortly.

He walked away. The girls looked at eachother. Applejack went in first. She opened the door and walked in. She saw Rainbow on her bed.

She had a brace on her right wrist, a sling for her left arm. Rainbow had a cut on her mouth. She was also sporting a black eye.

Applejack walked up to the bed. Rainbow smiled at her.

"Hey. How you guys holdin' up??".

Applejack laughed. "Rainbow. Have ya seen yourself??. You have ah broken rib and you're askin' us how we're doin. You're funny".

Rainbow smiled at her friends. They sat around her bed.

"Rainbow Dash", Twilight spoke up.
"We are so sorry about what your dad did to you. We had no idea it was that bad".

Rainbow shrugged but cringed at the pain.

"It's okay. You didn't do anything so don't apologize. Plus, I-I'm use to it".

"Well ya shouldn't have ta".

Rainbow looked back at Applejack.

"You never deserved anythin that man did to ya. Ah promise you that. And what he told ya ain't true. You're smart, beautiful, clever, ah good person. We love you an we care about chu so much. You're not stupid or worthless or weak. If you were weak you wouldn't have survived all that he put you through last night. You're stronger than you think".

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