Chapter 9

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No one's POV:

It was quiet for a few moments. Applejack looked at Rainbow, waiting. She knew not to press the question once it was asked. Rainbow gulped and closed her eyes.


"It's okay Rainbow", Applejack said.

"You can tell me".

Rainbow took a deep breath and said it.

"I was abused".

Applejack froze. What??. She couldn't believe what Rainbow just said.

She was about to say something when Rainbow's phone rang. The multi-colored hair teen tool her phone out and looked at the screen.


"It's Spike", she said.

She answered it.


Applejack watched her for a moment, listening to her side of the conversation.

"What??. Okay okay calm down dude. We'll over there in a few. Try not to get bitten by anything".

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah. Bye".

She hung up and looked at Applejack.

"The guys need our help down at the animal shelter. The animals are running a muck down there", she said.

The girls stood up and picked up their bags. They walked away from the garden and across the park.

The animal shelter was only a block away so it didn't take long. But the silence made it feel like hours. Applejack couldn't stop thinking about those three little words.

I was abused.

She couldn't understand. Who did it??. When did this happen??. Why??. So many questions ran though her head. But she would have to talk to Rainbow about it later with the others. The blonde looked over at the teen.

Rainbow Dash had her head down, looking at the pavement. Her hands fiddled with her backpack strap.

"Ya know we gotta talk about this later right??", Applejack asked.

Rainbow nodded. "I know".

"Ah think you should tell the others as well".

Rainbow sighed quietly. "I do too".

They made it to the shelter and went in. Immediately they heard loud noises coming from a room. The two looked at eachother. Applejack opened the door and peeked in. She gasped. The two girls walked in, shutting the door.

Animals were running around, making all kinds of noise.

"Hey", Rainbow said. "There they are!!".

They saw their friends in the corner, cornered by a bear. Rainbow ran over to them and got in between them.

"Rainbow Dash!!", Twilight exclaimed. "What are you doing??!!".

Rainbow stated down the bear. The bear growled at her. The beast was twice her size and could easily kill her if it wanted to. Rainbow obviously knew this but still did it anyway. She was not gunna let some fur ball hurt her friends. No way.

Rainbow took a deep breath and relaxed. She smiled at the bear and stayed put. The bear continued to roar and growl at her. Finally it stopped and looked at her. Rainbow smiled.

"Hey there big guy", she said quietly.

"Rainbow", Applejack said. What was that girl doing??. Was she trying to get killed??.

Rainbow held a finger to her lips, telling them to be quiet.

"I know some thing's wrong. Now please calm down mr.bear".

Rainbow looked at the bear. She turned and looked up some birds that were flying around. She began to whistle a tune. The birds must've heard it because they stopped and landed on a shelf. Raimbow smiled at the small creatures.

She looked back at her friends. They had a look of shock on them.

"You can handle them now Fluttershy", she said.

The light pink-haired girl walked up to Rainbow. She smiled.

How did you do that??", she asked. "How did you calm down the bear??".

Rainbow shrugged. "I didn't panic".

Fluttershy spent a half hour calming down the other animals. It turned out that the bear had gotten hurt and roared and that scared the other animals into a frenzy.

"Okay. C'mon", Fluttershy said gentle. She led the bear to her infirmary room. She looked at the injury. The girls sat down in chairs.

"Oh it's just a scrape on his back", Fluttershy smiled. She got out supplies and treated the wound. When she was done she gave the bear some food as a treat.

"You were very good. Thank you for not hurting my friend Rainbow Dash".

The girls looked at her. They watched as the shy animal expert had a conversation with the large bear.

"Uh huh. Oh. Really, you sensed that??. Yeah. We can find out. I'm sure she'll be fine. Now go on back to your cage and get some rest".

The bear got up. It walked over to Rainbow Dash. It nudged her gently and made a sound. Rainbow flinched. She looked at the bear. She didn't know what it was saying but hoped it was something good. She looked up at Fluttershy.

"Uh Fluttershy??", she said her body rigid. "What is it saying??".

The girl walked over to the bear and kneeled down.

"What do you want to tell her??", she asked.

The bear made a few noises. Fluttershy nodded.

"Okay. I'll tell her",she said. She looked up at Rainbow.

"He said that he's sorry that you were hurt before".

Rainbow's eyes widened. She felt tears rise up. Looking away she nodded.

"Okay", she said her voice breaking. Fluttershy led the bear out of the room.

Rainbow got up. Walking over to a wall, she leaned on it, facing away from her friends. She sniffled and sighed. The bear could tell she had been hurt before. The teen wiped a few tears away and covered her mouth. She held in a sob.


Rainbow wiped her tears away and sniffled. She didn't turn around.

"Ah think it would be best if you talked ta us", she heard Applejack say.
Rainbow knew she would have to eventually. She knew she had to tell them and tell them today. Everything. Looking back at her friends she sighed.


YAY AN UPDATE!!! I HAD TIME TO UPDATE SO I DID :) hope you enjoyed this

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