Silent Serenade

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ONESHOT | 12Italic - Sign Language

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Italic - Sign Language

"P-Please don't kill me." A girl puts her shaking hands together and walks backwards to beg the killer to let her go. The girl flinches violently as the killer simply stares at her and laughs maniacally. "You're so stupid, bitch. Why should I let my victim go? All I want to do is grant your request. You mentioned wanting to have fun with me, didn't you?" He remarked, lowering himself to her level and beginning to play with her hair's string. "It was a mistake. P-Please, I promise to act as if nothing had happened. P-Please." She held back her tears so as not to anger the murderer. "Shh, shh. Don't cry, okay? I'll make your dying less painful, so stop crying and smile."

With a scary smile, he stabbed her stomach as he said the word "smile". The girl's voice was muffled as blood spilled from her stomach. She wanted to scream, but the killer stopped her since his attention had switched to something, notably someone on the street. The girl began to scream, taking advantage of the opportunity to seek help, but the killer suddenly sliced her throat, killing her instantaneously. "Fvck you!" the killer whispered as he swiftly looked at the girl to see if she was aware of the noise, but to his surprise, she acted like nothing had happened around her.

You were staring at your phone when someone unexpectedly poked your shoulder. "Hi! What are you doing here at midnight? You understand it's too dangerous to be outside at this time, right?" the guy asked, making you frown in confusion. You tried reading his lips, but he was speaking so fast that you couldn't catch any of his words. "Sorry, I am deaf-mute. Can you repeat what you just said, but slower?" You write it down on your phone and swiftly show him the notes, causing his mouth to form an 'ah' and laughing in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for being silly, but you shouldn't be here at this hour." He spoke slowly, making you giggle at how carefully he spoke his sentences.

"I see, but I was hungry and wanted to eat at the convenience store." You showed him your notes again and pointed to the CU Mart behind him. "But still, it's not safe for you to walk around alone. Would you mind if I accompanied you till you arrived home safely? You know it would make me feel horrible if something happened to you," he said, rubbing his nape to avoid making it sound strange to you. You just stared at him and slowly began typing something into your phone. Actually, you sensed something was wrong with this person. He was wearing a dark blue suit, and you can see a red stain on the sleeve, but you just ignore it as you were thinking that it was maybe some chilli sauce. "Sure." you agreed as he seems nice to you.

"I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook," he said as you both walked together to your house. "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Jungkook," you said with a smile. Jungkook did not say anything and walked awkwardly beside you. He's not sure why, but he wants to get to know you better. The way you smile seems innocent, and to be honest, you look stunning in the moonlight, which causes his heart to race. He was sorry that you were deaf-mute. It was difficult for him to communicate with you, but he will definitely learn sign language specifically for you. "Did you just finish work?" You shoved your phone in front of him, putting his attention back on you. He frowned and then looked at his clothes.

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