Chapter 1: Lost and Found

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She was watching them; Neji, Rock Lee, and TenTen returning back to the Leaf village from a mission. Luckily, Neji had sensed that someone was trailing them.

"Byakugan!" Neji shouted. "Someone's following us."

"Well they shall not get past me!" Lee said doing a Taijutsu pose.

"Whoever it is, we can take 'em!" said TenTen. They looked all around them. Neji finally found the perpetrator with his Byakugan,

"Wait that chakra signature! It can't be!" Neji said to himself. Then, BANG!

The next thing they knew they were all in some sort of trap. Neji was in a net that was tied to a tree limb, TenTen's arms were bound around a tree, and Lee was tied up on the ground. They finally realized that they had been knocked out.

"How could I have let this happen?!" Lee said.

"Don't take it so hard Lee, we were all captured and trapped." Neji said reassuringly.

"What would Gai sensei say?!" Lee said as he started to cry.

"Lee! You can't break down now! We have to find a way out of this!" TenTen said angrily.

"That'll be hard to do." A voice said from the bushes. The figure came out. She had blonde hair tied up in two pony-tails, blue eyes, and three streaks across both of her cheeks.

"Hey guys, does she look familiar to you?" TenTen asked. The girl smirked.

"She does look similar to Naruto!" Lee said. The girl's eyes widened. The girl walked over to Lee.

"Wait, you three know Naruto?" she asked.

"Why does Naruto concern you?" Neji asked. The girl jumped up to where Neji's net was hanging and looked at him in the eyes,

"I need to find him, and if you know where he is, that would really help me." she said with a smile. "Hey, you guys are from the Leaf village aren't you?"

"If you know we're from the Leaf, then you know that we would never sell out a comrade!" Lee yelled.

"Look, I just need to find Naruto for... personal reasons."

"What reasons?" Neji asked. The girl sighed,

"I am Mayoumi Uzumaki. I am Naruto's sister." she announced. Everyone had shocked looks on their faces. Neji knew that he had to take this chance to escape,

"Eight Trigrams Rotation!" he yelled. A huge gust of air blew Mayoumi into the air and she dropped to the ground. After she fell her vision became fuzzy and her hearing was muffled. Within a few seconds, everything went black.

Mayoumi heard muffled voices,

"What! That's preposterous! Do you mean to tell me that this girl claims to be Naruto's sibling!" A women shouted. Then, Mayoumi heard another women's voice,

"Lady Tsunade! She's waking up." Mayoumi raised her head slowly and opened her eyes. She saw Two women looking at her. One with black eyes and hair, the other with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Well, looks like you're awake. Now, what village are you from?" The blonde haired women asked. Mayoumi looked confused.

"I'm not from a village. I have lived in the woods ever since I was thirteen." Mayoumi responded.

"Where did you live before that?" The women asked.

"It's a long story. During the Nine-tails attack on the Leaf village, my father, Minato, sealed the Nine-tails inside of Naruto and I, half of the Nine-tails chakra went inside of each of us..."

"Wait, do you mean to tell me that you also have the Nine-tails inside of you?"

"Yes, my father believed that putting all of the Nine-tails chakra inside only one of us was too much power for one person to have. Anyways, the masked man who was controlling the Nine-tails attack took me and left me in the woods to die because he thought that all of the Nine-tail's chakra was inside of me. After about three days, a husband and wife found me..."

"Three days?!"

"Oh, the Nine-tails was keeping me alive, barely. After they brought me back to their village, they took me to a mind specialist. He looked into my mind to see if I had parents. They saw that my parents had died, they also saw the Nine-tails inside of me. They became very scared of me, but the couple agreed to raise me as their own, but then..." Mayoumi stopped, remembering her past. She began to shake. The women put a hand on her shoulder,

"It's fine. You don't need to remember what ever is scaring you. We have enough information." Said the women. She could see the loneliness in her eyes. It reminded her of Naruto. Mayoumi smiled,

"So, uh. Who exactly are you?" she asked.

"I'm the Hokage!" she said with a smirk. "But you can call me Lady Tsunade."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am aware that the name 'Mayumi' is spelled as I spelled it here, but her name is a combination of two Japanese names: Mayou- meaning Lost ,and Mi- meaning Beauty. So, her name means Lost Beauty. This is beacause of her backstory, which you guys will find more about in future chapters. Thanks for the support! Bye! :D

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