Chapter 2: Tireless Hours of Waiting (Part 2)

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Authors Note: I wrote half of this on my phone so sorry if not everything is perfect. I will fix the mistakes soon but for now, i don't have access to a computer. Enjoy!

After her talk with Kiba, Mayoumi decided to put her trust in him and find someone else to talk to. She jumped up on the nearest roof and looked out. She saw three people walking together. They looked about her age so she jumped down and ran up to them. There were two boys, and a girl. One of the boys had his hair in a ponytail and wore a green vest. The other had long brown hair with a red shirt on. The girl had blonde hair and wore purple.

"Choji, we didn't have enough to cover it last night! What makes you think we have money tonight?" The blonde girl said.

"Hi! Excuse me, do you know one of these people?" She said as she repeated the list of names.

"Yeah, I'm Shikamaru, This is Choji and that's Ino." The boy with the ponytail said.

"What do you need?" Choji asked.

"I need to ask you about Naruto." Mayoumi said.

"Naruto? Well, he's the village hero if that's what you mean." Ino said.

"No, I mean, what's he like?" Mayoumi asked.

"Well, he loves Ramen." Choji said.

"Well, I mean personality wise."

"Well, he's an idiot." Ino said.

Wow, either they love making fun of him, or he's dumber than I thought he'd be. Mayoumi thought. "I've already heard that." Mayoumi said. Choji's stomach growled.

"Guys! Are you sure we don't have enough money for dinner?" Choji asked Ino and Shikamaru.

"Yes! Choji we don't! Besides no one will lend us any money!" Ino said angrily. Mayoumi came up with an idea,

"Hey, I have money. I could cover your bill."

"What do we have to do in return?" Shikamaru asked.

"All you have to do is answer my questions." Mayoumi said. They looked skeptical. "That's all I ask." Mayoumi said reassuringly. They nodded and they all walked inside a barbecue restaurant.

Choji cooked and ate pork, after pork, after pork. While Choji kept ordering more to eat Mayoumi talked with Ino and Shikamaru.

"So, things about Naruto?" Mayoumi asked.

"He wears this orange jacket all the time, he has blonde hair, and he has blue eyes. Hey, kinda like you." Ino said. Mayoumi tried to get off the subject of her and Naruto's similarities,

"Um, and what are his interests?"

"Oh! Well, hmm..." Ino said trying to think.

"He's always wanted to be Hokage." Shikamaru said.

"Huh. Oh yeah! He used to rant and rave about being Hokage all the time when we were younger! He doesn't go on about it that much now, but I think it's still his all time goal, other than..." Ino paused as if she went into deep thought.

"Huh. What is it?" Mayoumi asked.

"His other goal... is to 'save' one of his teammates; Sasuke Uchiha." Ino said sadly.

"Yeah, we don't talk about it much. Sasuke is now an enemy of the Leaf village. He used to be Naruto's old teammate, but then he left the village to join Orochimaru; another enemy of the Leaf village." Shikamaru said with a straight face.

"Woah, really?"

"Yeah, he said that he won't become Hokage until he brings Sasuke back to the Leaf village." Shikamaru finished. Choji then, burped loudly and patted his belly. Mayoumi looked at him in awe.

"Wow Choji, you're a really fa-" Shikamaru suddenly slapped his hand over Mayoumi's mouth before she could finish her sentence. Choji then, looks at Mayoumi with eyes of fury,

"Were you going to say, 'fat'?" Choji said. Mayoumi pried Shikamaru's hand off her mouth,

"What? No! All I was going to say was that you're a really fast eater." Mayoumi explained. Choji, Ino, and Shikamaru looked at her dumbstruck.

"...And besides, you're not fat, you're just... Husky, and anyone who tells you different obviously doesn't care about your feelings." Mayoumi said.

"Wait? What?" They all said in unison. Mayoumi was now the one puzzled.

"What are you guys talking about? Body-shaming is no joke." Mayoumi said with a smile. 

Ino decided that it was time to change the subject,

"Hey, why were you asking about Naruto anyways?" She asked.

"Oh, well..." Mayoumi started. She thought about if she could trust them. They seemed pretty trustworthy, but Lady Tsunade said not to tell anyone, but she already told Kiba, and these three seem much more capable of keeping a secret. However, what if they tell Naruto? Maybe they're not as trustworthy as they seem. Hmm, so many things went through her mind all at once.

"I know why she's asking about Naruto." Said Shikamaru.

"You-you do?! Mayoumi stuttered. What if Kiba had already told him?

"You're one of Naruto's fan girls, right?" He said bored.

"Huh? What?" Suddenly Mayoumi burst out laughing, "You! Haha! Think that... Ha! I'm? Hahaha!!" She said trying to get out the sentence before she laughed some more. "No!Ha! That was hilarious! If only you knew, you'd be laughing too." She said.

"Knew? If only we knew what?" Ino asked. Mayoumi froze in her tracks, she inhaled deeply,

"Ok, but if I tell you you can't tell anyone. Especially Naruto." They nodded their heads. 

"I'm Naruto's..." The three leaned in because Mayoumi had turned to a whisper, "...sister." She finally said. Their faces froze and their mouths hung open (except for Shikamaru). Ino quickly stood up,

" WHAT?! YOU'RE NARUTO'S SISTER!" She screamed loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. The restaurant went dead quiet and they heard something break like glass. Everyone was staring at them.

"Hey! Mind your own business." Ino yelled at them. Everyone turned away out of fear.

"It's your fault that they looked over here in the first place." Said Mayoumi annoyed. They all turned to her,

"Well, at least I did something about it!" Yelled Ino. Mayoumi was furious,

"Oh, well that's very considerate of you, since you were the one who caused it!" Mayoumi said passively aggressive.

"Do you wanna go, dumbo!?" Ino screamed.

"Why not! You seem quite sure of yourself, but you're all bark and no bite. Which makes sense considering how much of a dog you are." Mayoumi said smirking. Ino and Mayoumi both stood up and leaned on the table glaring at each other.

"That's enough. What a drag." Shikamaru said emotionless. "There's no point in arguing. It's just another thing I'll have to settle at one point. So knock it off." He said slightly agitated.

"Shikamaru shut it! I could beat up you instead!" Ino shouted.

"Guys, it's getting late, we should go." Said Choji.

"Fine. Just remember, we're not done here. I'm still gonna get you." Ino said to Mayoumi.

"I'm looking forward to it." Mayoumi replied as she watched the three walk away. Even though they fought, Mayoumi was glad she met them.

AUTHORS NOTE: guys, I'm sorry for the slow updates, I'm on vacation so sorry for that, but I hope I made up for it by making it a long chapter. Also, don't forget to leave a comment :) I could always use more ideas for the story, so if you have one, feel free to write it in the comments. Btw: tell me how you guys feel about the story, and criticism is appreciated to help me write better content, it also might get me in the mood to put out chapters faster. So, thanks for everything! :D

P.S This is my first fan fiction, so I'm trying! Byeeeeee! :)

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