Chapter 13: Rivals (Part 1)

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Author's Note: Okay I'm the worst, the schedule didn't work, I'm still terrible at updating. In my defense, I was out all weekend celebrating my sister graduating from college and her birthday. So that happened, but at least I am 50% with my schedule??? Anywho, please enjoy. I'm sorry if it's not the best chapter. I had to crank it out in a rush. That's my bad. <3


Mayoumi's Pov:

We had got to Naruto's door and he got out his key to unlock it and put it in the lock. With a swift turn of the key he gained a puzzled look on his face. 

"Mayoumi?" Naruto asked. I glanced at him with a curious face, "Why is my door unlocked?"

"Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh...." He raised his eyebrow at me, still waiting for an answer, "H-how should I know?! It must've been a burglar! Yep!"

"Yeah but if it was a burglar the lock would be busted..... it's not."

"Maybe they wanted to steal without alerting anyone!"

"Yeah, but why--"

"Oh man it's really cold outside! We should head inside!" I said as I pushed Naruto inside quickly, closed the door and locked it. I turned around and I looked at Naruto's face. His mouth agape and frozen in his spot. I waved my hand in front of his eyes, but no reaction. "Hey... are you okay?"

Silence was my reply. Until a few seconds later when Naruto took in a deep breath and blinked a few times, 

"MY HOUSE IS CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, causing me to jump. 

He began to run around the room like a child holding his arms out as if he were flying. Then he jumped onto his couch and snuggled into the pillows. I looked at him strangely and then chuckled at his foolishness. 

He opened his eyes and smiled wide at me, "You!!!" he screamed happily, "You cleaned my house!" he said as he got up and ran to me, hugged me and spun me around like a rag-doll. 

"Y-your crush-shing m-me." I struggled to say due to the death grip he had on me. He then let go of me and smiled down at me.

"You really are the best!" I blushed at his complement, mostly because I rarely receive them due to my eccentric attitude coming across as annoying. 

"Well thanks. It was nothing really, I just broke in and I saw it was a pig sty. I mean i'm not the most cleanliest person myself, but I have some standards." I laughed. 

"Wait..." Naruto smirked, "You broke in?"

I paused......... 

"No! Mission abort! Mission abort! My cover's been blown! Repeat! My cover has been blown!!" I yelled and ran away. Naruto chased me, and we mostly played around for a few more hours, until we both decided that it was a good idea to get some sleep. He slept in his room and I slept on his small couch. 

It was the best sleep I ever had, and I'm sure that many of you are wondering, 'How can that be the sleep you've ever had when you slept on a couch?', Well you're right, the couch was terrible on my back, but... I finally reconnected with my only family, and I guess that was all I needed to get a good night's rest. I knew that I was going to be so happy here.

The Next Day...

I woke up before Naruto and cooked up some Ramen for breakfast. Let's just say I'm not a very good cook. The last time I tried to make something without a package, I nearly burned my finger off. After we both ate and got ready, we went out for Naruto to show me the rest of the village. 

We walked for a short while until Naruto yelled out to someone in the distance. This girl had blonde hair tied up into a tight ponytail and wore purple attire.....

I had not only seen this girl before, but I had a fight with her....

"Ino! Hey Ino!" Ino looked over towards us and smiled at Naruto and waved a small bit. She then looked at me and scowled. She stomped away from us in the opposite direction. "Hmm, I wonder what that was all about?" Naruto questioned to himself.

"Wh-who knows! She must just be having a bad day! Oh well! Lets move on!" I try to cover up my awkwardness, and drag Naruto away by the arm.

Naruto then continues to show me all around and we were stopped by many people whom I'm sure that Naruto didn't even know. They bowed to him and shook his hand, thanking him for all he'd done for the village in the fight against Pain. We were having a splendid time talking to the townspeople and introducing me to everyone. 

It wasn't until we stumbled upon a certain flower shop, that we had any bad run-ins.

"Hey Mayoumi, let's go into the Yamanaka Flower shop. It's pretty nice in there and it's owned by one of my friends and her parents." I silently agreed without knowing the horrors that awaited me inside.

"Ohayo! Welcome to the Yamanaka Flower Shop! Please let me know if--" There she was...

Ino Yamanaka

Wait... Ino Yamanaka! Yamanaka is her last name and the name of the flower shop! Ugh, come on Mayoumi think!

She saw me and stopped spewing her usual lines she has to say to every customer. She grips the edge of the counter top and glares at me.

"Hey Ino! I  just wanted to introduce you to my sister, Mayoumi!" Naruto smiled sweetly as he pointed to me. I raised my eyebrow towards her, allowing her to make the first move.

"Oh, we've met before." She grit through her teeth.


Author's Note: WOOHOO!!! CLIFFHANGER! Again, I am really super sorry! I know I'm horrible, but I actually did better than I thought I was going to. So, if you would, please remember to vote, comment, share, and enjoy! Love you guys! :)

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