Chapter 9: Old Friends

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Firstly, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has read, voted, commented, and supported me throughout this series! You are all AMAZING!!!!!

It's been a few hours since the trio of ninjas awoke and resumed their journey to the hidden cloud. 

"WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LOOOONNNGGG!!!" Agonized Naruto as is slowly trudged along the path.

"With you stop complaining! This isn't a time to slack off!" Sakura yelled.

"Yeah, Sakura's right, Naruto. Where's that pep in your step!"

"Twenty miles back along with his pride." Sakura retorted. Naruto huffed at her statement,

"Fine! You think that I'm so lazy, I'll show you!!!" Naruto said as he started running at a quick pace to the hidden cloud.

"Naruto! Wait for us!!" Mayoumi pleaded.

"You'll have to catch up guys! THIS ISNT A TIME TO SLACK OFF!!!"

Sakura groaned and started running with Mayoumi to catch up with Naruto.

A Few Undisclosed Hours Later...

Mayoumi's Pov:

There it was. The hidden cloud. This isn't the first time I've traveled here, i used to travel a lot with my master. We started to walk quickly into the village when we were stopped by a couple of guards.

"Hey! What is your business here," he took a glance at our forehead protectors, "leaf." He finished saying the last word in a disgusted way.

"We're here on orders from Lady Tsunade to deliver a message to the Raikage." Sakura said politely.

"Well we can't let you in if you don't have proof!" One of the guards said trying to find a fault in our words.

"Could you guys quit hassling them? It's so dull."

"Darui! How can you speak up for these outsiders?"

"Because I hear that the blond kid is the famous Naruto Uzumaki." His eyes scanned over Naruto and landed on me. I hadn't been paying full attention before, but now that I am I immediately recognize him.

"DARUI!" I screamed as I ran and hugged him.

"Huh?!" Everyone gasped.

"Mayoumi, the one person who isn't so dull. It's been a while."

"You know him?!" Naruto yelled dumbly.

"Yeah!" I said as I let go of him, "I used to travel all around the nations and when I made a stop here some years ago, I was sick and injured from having endured thieves along my journey. So, Darui helped and took care of me until I was better! He saved my life!"

"It really wasn't that serious. I just helped you out a bit."

"Always so modest." I smiled.

"Alright, enough with the flirting lets go." Naruto said somewhat angrily as he started walking towards the Raikage's office.

"Hey Naruto! Don't be rude!" Sakura yelled as we all followed after Naruto.

I thought about it. What if Naruto cared about me, not in a weird way, but in a brotherly way. Almost like he didn't want me near guys to protect me in a way? I don't know, that probably isn't it. I bet he didn't want to waste time... Always so impatient.

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